Dude. We need to go camping.

Started by Nick, Jun 04, 2008, 09:25 AM

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It needs a tire pumped up (and probably looked at to see why it keeps going flat all the time) and it need the ignition fixed so that you can actually turn it on.

In other news I got it a new head liner so there will be less condensation dripping on us@!


Well, with this intermittent nice weather and longer daylight hours, we could probably find a time to work on that. That is, of course, if you area not Portland.


I need to fix my cars window, so I will definitely have to not area Portland at some time.

What weekendsy times might you be free?


Perhaps this coming weekend. I think Eve will be working Sunday. What happened to your window?


Dude, we need to go camping!


I agree.

But also: Dude, we need to fix the blazer.


Ok, let's do it! I'm not usually very helpful when it comes to fixing stuff. But I'll certainly try. Just let me know when!


OK! I am giving the blazers radiator one last chance to perk up. I got more scale remover stuff to run through it. If that does not work I will have to use the other radiator, but the other radiator is a little beat up on the outside. But new headliner and grill! All the way.


Radiators are important. Let's fix that, yeah. Let me know when you want to "do stuff".



I hear you. I have the Green-Calling again. Isolation, dirt and cooking over a fire. And I need to test out the filter!


Yes, yes! I've been considering getting one of those big packs, but that wouldn't be any more necessary than the last time I went without one..!



cAMping is g00d!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
"Stop whining. Before you really get me irritated."
   --Boba Fett


We should at least go on a hike this weekend. The woods and I haven't spent enough time together lately.