Dude. We need to go camping.

Started by Nick, Jun 04, 2008, 09:25 AM

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3 days and no pro-camping posts?





I am amble to make most weekends into free weekends if I know in advance. Brad, when is good for you?


I declare:

Tentin' 10-10-10

October 10th is a Sunday, so really it would be the 9th and 10th. Is that too late in the baby-season for you, Brad?


Possibly not. I'll check various calendars, consult various experts and flip certain coins then get back to you.


You should flip a frog instead.

I will do my best to make that date a camping reality. Should we start packing now? :)



Ok... so I can't actually go on the weekend of the 9-10th. Melissa's parents will be out of town and mine probably too, and apparaently it's not a good idea to leave really pregnant lady home alone with no family around to contact.

I am free and able to go on the weekend before and after that though. So if we could go on one of those times instead I would appreciate it.


Ok, that makes sense. And I kind of expected as much.

But the numeric awesomeness of October 10th, 2010 (10-10-10) is too awesome for me to pass up. Let's do both weekends!  :)
That is: 10-10-10 and the weekend before or the one after. (<-- is my expression valid without parentheses?)


I think it is. But I am no master of the punctuation.

Ok, I say! To the camping, that is!



How many days? Just two again? The or four would be rather nice. But then we would have to take time off of our respective places of employment. That might be hard for Brad. But I could live if we get two weekends in row.


I can usually get a Friday off. I would like doing three days. Or at the very least, to have a Friday off an leave early morning (like, before noon).


That would be cool. Ok then, I will try and have a friday off for the 10-10-10-tent-ten (has it been almost a year since the first tent'n on the 10-10!)