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Started by zourtney, Nov 12, 2009, 05:31 AM

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Its just part of the font. I will remove it if it bothers you that much  ;D


Nah, as long as it's intentional, leave it. It looked strange, like someone used Photoshop's clone tool and grabbed something they didn't mean to. Knowing it's part of the font appeases my inner pedant sufficiently.

However, I do think you should bust out another Moonscape Industralia theme. Kind of a Dune meets Total Recall setting. That would totally rock the randomnets...and totally kill anything we had going with the blue on green theme. So maybe not. The rusty brown on golden plains look was just so intriguing! And I like saying Moonscape Industralia.


Too late, I already removed the offending specks. Retrieving them would involve me deleting a layer, so we would easily bring them back. Not that anyone, anywhere would notice either way.

I will keep on with the banner making. Its fun, and I should be keeping in practice with as much webdesign stuff as possible. I hope to add randomland to me resume soon so people have something to look at as far as my limited creative abilities (I would probably make an empty clone of randomland for that... not because there is anything offensive here, but so they cant see how dumb I am  :))


Some of my old stuff is offensive, but it was always so sarcastic and satirical that it made it hard to tell how serious I was. But yeah, it would be nice if Randomland was presentable and not too embarrassing. I think it is much better than it was a year ago, in both respects.


Yep, it would be nice. Especially considering all the stuff I did at department of forestry got lost in a beuricratic mess of no one wanting to maintain a simple database of fire dangers. And all the stuff I did at alliance is completely internal. 


Tried making any new banners lately? I'd be up for seeing a little snow sprinkled upon the main site's banner as well.


Sorry. I have been painting things and racing things :)

I have been thinking about it though.


What have you been painting? You should paint the forum's snowscape on your wall :D


Haha. That would be cool. If only I had the tallent. I might be able to pull off a few trees, that would be niceish.

Spay painting a flower pot and spray varneshing a lamp I made. I should post a short little thing about the lamp up here some place. Its only kinda neat, but I like it anyway.


Do it! Pictures at least  :)


Quote from: Nick on Nov 24, 2009, 10:42 PM
Spay painting a flower pot and spray varneshing a lamp I made. I should post a short little thing about the lamp up here some place. Its only kinda neat, but I like it anyway.

You should add that to the idea list thread. Not that anyone ever looks at it, but yeah.

Anyway. I think you should make banners because that'd be awesome. And I like the forum one, it's cool. It makes the main site seem boringer.


Another idea for the main sites banner. It might be a little overdeveloped for what I am capable of. But have a look.


Awesome! I like it. Throw it up!

I particularly like how the RL circle shines and seems to have made a crater in the snow (or perhaps those are snow drifts?). I also like the texturing in the snow around the "seal," though it seems to fade out or be missing under the trees.


I like the seal too. Thanks. I will add more texturing to the snow. It ads a sense of depth to it all I think.  I also want to make the trees look a little nicer. They kinda look scribbled on now that I give it a second scrutinizing. Should the cabin come to the main site?


Cool. Let me know what you come up with. I don't mind the "scribbled" look too much as it's not really meant to be photo-realistic. Same with the banner here, on the forums. It has a nice, comic look.

Oh, and feel free as a bee to delete my semi-transparent nav bar. It could be cool if you gave it some icy blue buttons that blend into the banner. Just a[n after]thought.