(Oh) Christmas Tree

Started by zourtney, Nov 12, 2009, 06:04 AM

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Yes, Christmas tree -- not a "holiday pine" or some other sort of universally disagreeable term of homoginized blandness -- no! Christmas tree.

Ok, now that I got that out, what are people doing this year for Christmas trees? I know Nick and I traipsed around in 2 feet of snow to find a kind donor of the evergreen variety. That was fun, though they always seems a little bare once they come inside. The farmed kinds get much fuller, indeed. It's quite November, I think it's nearing Chrismas tree time, myself.


We got our Christmas tree early last year and it was super-dry by Christmas (No I didn't forget to water it).

I'll probably get my Tree after Thanksgiving.


yeah, I'll probably wait until then too, but that's not too far away


We should traipse back on into the woods and find another few donors to don our living areas. And the top of the truck. Lower elevations might even yield a little fuller of a tree.


Yay, it's after Thanksgiving! Now I can get a tree :)


We are apprarently getting one from one of Lyons Heating's clients. Its free so that cool. I still will go up with you, if you venture into the wild to nab a wily conifer.


I think I'm going to go get a Christmas tree with my mom and Cody this weekend. We should make a trip up to some snow-covered treeland this month, though. And I should shellac my pants! Well, maybe scotch-guarding would be better.


My people keep talking about when a snow trip could take place. Currently one is planned for next weekend when my sister has a day off. You should come! Cody too.


Sounds like a plan to me. Where would you go? Eastwards to the hills of Detroit?


There is a snow park just a little farther past Detroit that is nice. We have gone there in the past but we have gone other places too.

Bradman want to go too?


I'll be in California next weekend, sorry. I want to go up to the snow though, so maybe we can go again after Christmas?


Your just as guilty :) But your right.



I have Christmas Tree. Do you have Christmas Tree?

(Why can't English re-adopt some sort of plural "you" pronoun? It's so annoying!)