I just watched...

Started by zourtney, Nov 12, 2009, 08:27 PM

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I liked the over the top violence. It took away from the gory aspect and just kinda made it funny. Probably not a good attitude when considering human mortality. But they just explode! How can you not smirk at things just randomly (or not so randomly, but maybe unexpectedly) exploding like that!?


I just watched "Legion."

It Thoroughly mediocre. Moments of bad dialog and characters making stupid (and sometime ham-handedly cliche)  decisions. Seemingly only to advance the plot, because if they behaved normally there would no internal conflict in the group. And there seem to be scenes in the movie that are only there because they put them in the trailers, they don't fit with what is going on otherwise. There were other flaws as well, but then I would just be complaining.

Despite all that, the basic story concept had a lot of potential. I am usually a sucker for the theology based movies, so I might have romanticized the whole thing a little in my head. But an army of otherworldly beings possessing the week and trying to kill off mankind could have been an awesome movie. It just wasn't in this case.

All-in-all it was ok. Better then any movie I have ever made, by far. If you go see it in the theaters though, go someplace cheap. Or wait and netflix it. It should be out on DVD in a month or two.



I saw a preview for that movie (Legion) and was very quite confused. I can only imagine what 1:30+ of immersion would do to my brain.

I watched Demolition Man a few nights ago. That's a silly movie.


It really makes no more sense for having seen the whole thing. That movie had so much potential. Some people on the radio were talking about how they should have (purposely) played up the comedy a little. Make the movie feel like "zombie killing, the light hartted game." Supposedly the  director got a sequel mostly, if not completely filed before Legion came out. So we need not with for more, for more is already coming. It might be better then the first (I am hoping for it anyway) set in a post-apocalyptic land where people are recovering from the angel attack :-/ I am a sucker for post-apocalyptic movies more then I am one for theology based movies. Still I will probably wait for it to come out on netflix.

Demolition man in one of my favorites. It funny and takes its self just seriously enough that you can buy in, but still manages to be, as you said, silly.  I can only hope that the future is that awesome. Every restaurant is taco bell!
That reminds me, some dude at a gas station made a "three shells" joke the other day. Just after telling me that a 3 cent tax on toilet paper would pay for all  the debt our country has and solve all the worlds problems. Because everyone needs toilet paper...


 :D that's funny, funny, funny! about the 3 shells thing.... ahh hahaha :)

That's all.



I watched Hitman over the weekend. For a movie based off of a video game, it seemed like it turned out pretty good. It did have more than it's fair share of (sexually) inappropriate scenes which didn't help the story much. And the movie was surprisingly gory -- but I guess that's what they were going for. You've got to lure in all those FPS gorefans.

Its cinematography was its strong point, in my opinion. I've never played the game, but I've seen artwork here and there. They faithfully recreated those scenes in live action. For example, the scene where he has his back flat against the wall with two pistols held in an X across his chest.

Some internet reviewers poked at a "thin plot." Personally, I was actually slightly confused and those oh-so-important "explanation scenes" just kind of whizzed by before I understood what was going on. Back to the gore!

But, yeah, overall, I give it an "ok." Or, "pretty good for a video game movie."


This topic has been misleadingly dead. I watched that District 9 movie a while ago. I liked it, though I am scared to think what the inevitable sequel will bring us.

There was some other movie (of Nick's) that I watched recently too. But it escapes me. (I make for a poor trap)


I watched Jurassic Park a few night ago. It was trippy. I watched that movie all the time when I was a kid, and could pretty much recite it line by line. And indeed, all that useless information was still in my brain, tucked away. :)

And for using technology that is now almost two decades old (sigh), the CG still looked pretty dang good. I'd say the weak points were shading and environmental lighting, which perhaps has come a long ways since then...well, and the computing power to render it in your living room (or your classroom, or wherever) in a 10th of the time.


So, Eve and I just finished watching Heroes last week. We started watching it quite a while ago, but when you have 4 seasons to get through, it can take some time...unless you're Cody. Anyway, I liked it. Most of the main characters only died 4 or 5 times, which is seems statistically insignificant compared to that show Alias (but I could be mistaken; I haven't seen that in years).

I think we'll go back to watching Lost. Which, by the way, I hear that's actually coming to an intentional series finale. No matter how strange a show gets, I'll give 'em boo-ko bonus points for a scripted conclusion. Oh, how I wish they all could! So many don't deserve it, I suppose, but some do. And then of course, there's those movies which were made as a single, complete script, but someone throws sequel-money at them and they have to unravel tied up ends...I'm no story-teller, but sometimes....I don't know. Sighhhhh.


Oh my. Really?  "Sighhhhh." You should be ashamed of your self!

Is heroes worth picking back up? I stopped somewhere during this last season when people started going to some jerky guys carnival. For some reason I got annoyed with it and started watching something else.

---- ***** RANT!! *****-----
Oh! They left that poor Irish girl stuck in the crappy future and then NEVER MENTIONED HER AGAIN! Thats what annoyed me. That dude who looks like he had a stroke was like "ZAP ZAP, oh I am so in love with you, I don't want my memories back. Then Bam! Into a distopian future with ghouls and diseases or something and BAM he returns and leaves her there. Never to think of her again... or ever perhaps  BE A HERO and try and save her? Errrrg.


yeah, I know. It's an ever-present "what the heck." Then there's the obligatory (why?!??) quasi-homosexuality barf which doesn't even really develop the characters much.

If you got tired of watching it, yeah, don't bother. I was just taking a 4 season analysis.


Season 2 of Heroes was murdered by the writers strike. So they just decided to leave the plots hanging and all character's just forgot about them or something. Mostly it just makes Peter Petrelli look like a completely heartless jerk (also a whiny idiot most of the time).

I got stopped watching in Season 3 and I probably won't ever finish it. It's a shame, Season 1 was really excellent. It just kind of all fell apart later (at least in my opinion).


It gets better again. Then gets a little annoying in the last season I saw (4 I think.)


I like watching several years of a show in one big batch. It makes it easier to gloss over annoying dumbnesses. Those seem inevitable, especially with popular shows.