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The Best (and worst) of the Internet

Started by zourtney, Nov 24, 2009, 02:07 PM

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Table of condiments that periodically go bad.
I have eaten some things *long* after this chart said they were bad. Especially pickles.

Does this could as chemistry humor?


:) that picture! And yes, it counts. I like it!


In case you don't yet feel lame enough about your lack of a Halloween costume, check this out! My mind was very nearly blown.



Have you guys seen the SCP? It is the website of a fictitious organization for containing and controlling paranormal objects. They've got a list of nearly 1000 fictitious objects with paranormal properties. Each has details of known properties of the object as well as the results of experiments performed on them. Makes for interesting reading if you're bored.


I saw that on reddit the other night! Some of those 'accounts' are rather well written and kinda creepy. I also recommend checking the site out.


This car is awesome. This is what would happen if we put lots of effort into Suriboka. And I say that in the most encouraging way!


A while ago I mentioned that there are people writing applications in paint by creating the correct binary values by putting done pixels of specific colors...

This isn't that, but it kinda close and still really weird. Piet is a programming langauge written by creating pictures using a 20 color pallette. Check it out.



Oh wow, I am unaccustomed to Reddit (especially from a phone). I thought the meat of the article was in that comment thread....then I realized that drivel wasn't what I was supposed to be looking at. Yeah. Now I feel dirty, kind of like trawling the Slashdot comments. Ugh.


Yeah. There are often a few gems in the comments. Like the discussion on readability programs and the discussion of physics thought experiments. But there is always a bunch of (sometimes amusing) comments sourounding them that are less then enlightening. Reddit seems higher quality on the whole them most sites of its kind. But much less mature then the more focussed forums. And if you read long enough you will eventually stumble upon some of the more disturbing contributers. But your best avoiding them.


In the same vain of computer science history, I came across this rather interesting presentation from a lead developer of the JavaScript language. (You could watch the video, but he's more interesting in text -- just read the transcript)

Linked from that is a 1968 software demonstration including things like the first-ever mouse device, the precursor to half a dozen present-day applications, and just just old-school awesomeness. It's not exciting, but I found it interesting and inspirational. Check it out if you have time to burn. 


Interesting video. I didn't have time to watch it all, but what I did see was pretty cool.
"Stop whining. Before you really get me irritated."
   --Boba Fett
