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Mans! The Forums Is the Dead!

Started by zourtney, Jul 22, 2008, 10:37 PM

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So quiet in here..... do hear crickets?


I see cricket in my bathtub. Fortunately, they're the quiet kind.


I didn't even know there was a quiet kind of cricket.


Me neither. But the kind we get for gecko food never make any there must be a quiet kind, right?


What is the recommended way to make a blog post with an embedded image?


use courtneys rl-img thing. Its [rlimg nodeID]


Yeah, that's what I've been using, exclusively. The node's body text will show up as the image's title text. The stupid "caption goes here" will be fixed when I get that dang padding fixed.


Padding fixed. Either I am stupid (likely) or Drupal is stupid (less likely, though oh-so-Linux in nature).

In other news, today is my last day at work. But it seems like any other strange.


Congrats on your new job. You never did say who it was with or what task you will be doing. And it looks like they have an opening at alliance all of the sudden.....

RLimg works or so well now?  You should make a post on the forums someplace giving instructions on how to use it and all of its shiny and wonderful features.


There's another parameter you can send to it, I think, but I forgot what it was. I'll write something up when I fix up that caption text and stuff.

Until then, the basics is this:
[rlimg nodeID]

If you want to float it, first make sure that your text input format is "Full HTML." Disable the rich-text input and do something like:

<div style="float: left">
    [rlimg nodeID]

Officiality of threadage here:,67.0.html


Man, this forum is so dead today. What this dilly.


Peoples gots to work mans. And the site was down for half the day... I blame that on the cheap DNS service...


Yeah, now I don't get my free, full-time Randomland tech support. Drat.


I just bought 6 hamburger patties at $109.50 a piece. Lucky for me, they were having a sale and I got 4 brand new tires, mounted and balanced throw in for FREE!


I can't decide if that's a good deal or not...