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Sep 21, 2024, 10:03 AM


Get Out, See Green!

Mans! The Forums Is the Dead!

Started by zourtney, Jul 22, 2008, 10:37 PM

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This Forum Is Either Dead or Dying


Its not that bad. There have been a few posts here and there. Not exactly a teaming hub of culture and information.. but then again there are only four of us.


Yeah, all 1 + (0.9) + (0.5) + (0.25) of us.


I think there is a (.002) or two to consider as well :)

To bad that random British guy never showed back up.


Yeah, that would be cool. But how do we entice people to participate (without being creepy)?


We need a little "crickets" emoticon...


It might get over used :) Just make script to auto post it to this thread every other day.


That reminds me.... I made a whole bunch of emoticons for another forum (never a cricket one though)... I wonder if they are still in use there?

Yep! They are! I'm even listed in the credits still.

I have NO idea where the non-jpeg version of those files are... :(


Cool. I had forgotten what those looked like. They are pretty nice. We should add them here for whoever wants to use them (as avatars or whatever.)


Yeah, those are cool! And we could always use some more homegrown art on Randomland. I seem to remember those being made with your mostly-dead laptop, though I could be wrong.


That's right I did make them with my mostly dead laptop. In that case they are still around somewhere then. I should look for them sometime...


Definitely. They were very good.


Now brad can stop saying that no one has posted :)


Brad's complaint-to-post ratio was always rather high.

(By contrast, I post TO complain) :)



I guess I should either post more or complain less.