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Mans! The Forums Is the Dead!

Started by zourtney, Jul 22, 2008, 10:37 PM

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What, no posts? Man, this forum is dead.


Dead and forgotten. Lost into dusty, neglected corners of the internet. To fit for eternity (or until the server breaks) with the other forgotten relics of the 'net;  So is randomland.


Poetic. Freakin' depressing. But poetic.


Dude, man. This forum is so dead.


Sorry. I have been rather busy. Golfing for Brent's birthday, helping peoples mave homework videos and doing more work in my grandma's garage. Perhaps soon I will have some time to draupalize with you... and ...
........ CAMP CAMP!


Oh fellow camper, fear not your shortcomings of the Drupal. I've got my head jammed into their API in hopes that others won't need too. (If you insist, by all means go ahead, but it's a bit messy down there) I'll try to document the code thoroughly in the coming weeks.

And yes: camp, camp!!


I know it's been said before, but MAN! These forums are dead :(




SuriFever, like many chronic diseases may at times go dormant or seem to go into remission. But, as it cannot be cured, one can be sure that there will be another outbreak. The only question is when. Some known inhibitors of SuriFever are work, camp-campitis, hikeistosis and school. But remember these only serve to mask its effects and keep the SuriFever dormant, they still do not cure it.
SuriFever is a communal disease. Often spreads from person to person around where scrap metal and welders can be found. Be weary of angle-grinders you don't know, the last person using it might have had SuriFever!

Thats the sort of thing I thought should go on the RL-Wiki :)


I like it! Slap it on up, if you haven't already :)


Poor forums. So neglected. It probably feels sad and lonely with nothing but the random search-bot to keep it company. 


I'm sorry, I have been slacking on my daily duties. I've been busy(ish) but that should be no excuse! The Randomland Forums must survive!


They must survive at any cost!11


Especially free! Which is close to what it costs to run Randomland :)