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Mans! The Forums Is the Dead!

Started by zourtney, Jul 22, 2008, 10:37 PM

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It lies in wait. Anticipating the day that new life is to be breathed into it. It slumbers in am un-restful sleep, filled with ghastly images of server failure and broken DNS records. One day, perhaps soon, it will rise again into glory. But first we need something interesting to talk about; and to stop letting threads fall by the way side! And, perhaps, more then two and a half people posting. :(


So sad, yet so true. I apparently suck at convincing people to frequent the forum  :-\



Death is as death does.

I need some camping :(


Me too...September is kind of crowded. And slipping away.

That reminds me: are you planning on going to the Oktoberfest? Next Thursday is the first day. Incidentally, it is the only day I will be in-state.


That sounds like the day to go then. And yes, I had planned on going.


Anyone else thinking about going that day? My sister said something about liking Thursday (because she gets off work early.) And Thursday woks for me (so far.)



First post from an Android.


Nice! How is it? My only experience with them is the android SDK. Should I get one? How are its book and music playing abilities?


Dunno about those yet. Still watching random videos on youtube.


Cool. I think I will be getting some variety of one of those soon. I'm with Courtney with the liking the ability to write applications for it and then freely install them.

I just fixed the mail server (again) Now it requires a login for both sending a receiving email. I though I had that set up before, but I hadn't. And some spammers had figured out a way to trick it into thinking it was sending mail for the randomland domain when it wasn't (or something.) So now its better again. But you may have to change settings if you were using it to send mail.


1. I still plan to go to the Oktoberfest tomorrow (Thursday) evening.
2. Thanks for fixing the mail server again
3. Why did you get a new phone?
4. Cool to #2 and #3


Man, the forums are either dead or dying.


But they were good
They were good
They were really, really, really good

And I probably won't make it to the Oktoberfest. I still have stuff to pack, cameras to empty, and 3 or 4 hours of sleep to get. My sausage will have to wait :( ...which reminds me -- when are we going camping?