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Mans! The Forums Is the Dead!

Started by zourtney, Jul 22, 2008, 10:37 PM

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Last I saw it, it was in front of your apartment. Perhaps a clue or two?



I could probably find it without too much trouble :)


It's barely but a drive and a short hike away!



Dead, but still warm.

I added a randomlandish logo to the google apps pages (if anyone ever uses them) It should show up on the docs, calendar, mail and everything else once the cache wears off.

I am kinda liking the whole apps thing. Makes the randomland email addresses a little more stable, and they can be easily moved to a new server at any time. Like if we ever get a static IP or better hosting. Not that there is anything wrong with our current hosting. Aside from low bandwidth and people thinking we are spam because we have a dynamic IP. But that's all better now! I will see if I can get the whole system working off the google servers, then we can all be flooded in log watches and denyhost entries if we like.

And poo. I was looking at pictures, and its been more then a year since we made that bike stand.... We should do something!


That bike stand is still working quite well, I might add. I do wish the bikes would come down off it more often though  :-\ We do need to do more stuff. Got any projects to do?


I am intending on making an ottoman before valentines. But that's about it. I think I would also like to make a coffee table with magazine storage.

How about everyone else? Projects? Other then the game cabinet that we all know about. Which is cool by the way.


Nearly unprecedented levels of deadness! Did everyone move to Cambodia or something?


Sorry I forgot to tell you, we've given up on Randomland in favor of clandestine meetings in dental offices.


Well, I guess I am out of the loop. And getting too little dental work done....


:) at least four words of that sentence at least! Yeah, sorry Randomland. You can blame me. I'm back and lame as ever!

The arcade machine project is indeed awesome. I want to see it in action!

I don't really have any construction projects brewing, but I could probably think of something if I thought about it for a minute or two.



1..2...3... CLEAR! Bzzzzt!
Hit her again!
Clear! Bzzzzzzzrrrrt!
We have a faint pulse. I think she's going to make it.


It's sunny out. Yet I am in. :(