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Mans! The Forums Is the Dead!

Started by zourtney, Jul 22, 2008, 10:37 PM

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Same here. And I am even at home  :-\


Are you still down with the sickness?


All of my fish died today. 7 in total, including the pleco I've had since forever. I think some kind of containment or poison got in the water because they all died pretty much at the exact same time. I'm guessing the culprit is an air freshener thing which got set on top of the fish tank. Although it had been there for a week or so, not sure why it'd suddenly just kill them all at once.

Draining the water out of it now. I'll be storing the tank and cabinet in the garage until I feel like I'm ready to start a fish tank again.


Sorry to heat that. That really sucks. I rather liked your fish.

Did you check and make sure the heater didn't spaz out and cook them all? Either way I will make a note to keep air fresheners away from the tanks.


The tank was a little warmer than normal, about 87-ish degrees. That doesn't seem quite hot enough to kill all the fish at the same time, but I'm not sure. Also not sure about the air freshener but I don't know what else could have done it. They do say "keep away from children and pets" on them.


Sorry about your fish :( you've had at least some of them for a long time. Sucky...


@Nick, yeah, Eve and I still plan on coming to your thing. I think Eve said it's a two o'clock? I look forward to some uninfected fun!


Oh the disappointment of the gray diamonds!




Testing from my tappy phone. I just installed the Tapatalk plugin. So far, so good.


Oh! But that costs money!

Cost aside, how is it?

I noticed a little alert notifying me of the forums new iphone/itouch compatibility just recently when checking from my music podders. 


Very handy. It's quicker than visiting the actual site, and things are (of course) scaled better to the screen.

And yeah, I'm sure we can disable that message, if we want. Do we want?


Is there a way that it will remember that I have seen it and not show it to me again?

Also, what about the native HTML+css mebile version for SMF? Its only for SMF 2, but its there.


I suppose if we find the right part in the code, we can set a cookie. Simple, in theory.

And yes, I still would like (prefer?) a mobile theme. Both for randomland and the forums. How hard is it to migrate to 2.x, anyway?