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Mans! The Forums Is the Dead!

Started by zourtney, Jul 22, 2008, 10:37 PM

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Mans! The forums is teh dead...and I hate being sick. Hoping everyone is having a good Christmas season so far.
"Stop whining. Before you really get me irritated."
   --Boba Fett


Sick?! Why are you sick? (I tired that last week and decided against it...)Merry Christmas to all the Randomlanders! (and everyone else, of course)



"Stop whining. Before you really get me irritated."
   --Boba Fett



Happy new year everyone. Become awesome in 2013 - whatever it takes!


Happy new year! The awesome prompts,  and I shall try.




Well, ok, I will. From time to time, there are people that post on here. (hint: mostly you and me) Sometimes we post lots of stuff. Other times we don't. Now is "other times".How's the grandebuggy? Does it have a name yet?


I protest! You two are not the only ones to post. Sometimes I post lots of things as well.
"Stop whining. Before you really get me irritated."
   --Boba Fett


The buggy is setting in the barn, nice and dry. Currently it is waiting on me to not be sick. I need to pull off the engine still to find the oil leak in the bell housing. I'd like it to be warmer, but free time wanes, so I might do it soon.

Anyone like to help?


I would but Anna is here until the 2nd so I doubt she would want to stand around all day while I attempted to help you with the buggy. Who knows.
"Stop whining. Before you really get me irritated."
   --Boba Fett


Unfortunately I am not a reliable mechanics assistant at this time. Although I should bring Luke over to your place sometime to see all the animals. Probably when it is slightly nicer outside.

Here is a boring story from work:

I had to work late today, the utility e-payment website was down. If any user tried to login they would get an error message stating "The Redirect URI Cannot Contain the Newline Character". Which seems like a web coding or server setup error. We haven't changed anything lately, so there wasn't much I could do besides calling the vendor... The conversation went something like this:

Vendor-man: I just spoke to a coworker and was informed that they are doing the scheduled quarterly software update. We coordinated with Robert White to schedule this.

Me: Uh.... who?

Vendor-man: Robert White.

Me: Who is Robert White?

Vendor-man: ..... Can I call you back in a few minutes?

- Later -

Vendor-man: Apparently there was a mistake with the schedule confirmation.  The person contacted about confirming the schedule is not actually with your jurisdiction.

Me: ...

Vendor-man: Actually he isn't even located on the same coast as you.

Me: Can you give me an estimated time when they'll have the server back up and running?

Vendor-man: ...I'll call you back.


Really.... Just wow. How professional of them. Did they get it fixed soon after?