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Flash/C++ Game Project

Started by Brad, Dec 18, 2009, 04:22 PM

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Cool. And if you want it on the site just make it its own page and keep updating (editing) that page.


Cool. I look forward to seeing it.

And you can just drop the file under /sites/default/files/ and statically link to it. You don't have to make a Drupal node for every file.


Hey, what ever happened to this project? Don't let it die!


It isn't dead, I just got to a spot which was boring and procrastinated about it. I need to rewrite the way the tile graphics are loaded in the Flash client. Then I have to get the player graphics loaded and displayed on top of the map. Then write the input event handlers.

At that point I'll basically have a you can walk around and look at things on the map sorta game. Sorta like that ancient pascal game I made with a river and a guy who liked cheese (except this time other people could also come and walk around in the same area).

I'm also looking into what it will take to write an android client for this game, as I'll be getting a google phone sometime next week probably and that would be really cool.


That would be cool. Why the new phone? I suspect my next phone will be running some flavor or Android. I'd be interested in learning how to program for it. But I am interested in many things, and good at none.

And how is the new job going?


As I haven't been actively coding at my job yet and most likely will not be for the near future I seem to have regained some of my personal coding project motivation.

I fixed the tiles to load dynamically now, and also finished getting the small versions of the character images to load dynamically. I haven't actually created small versions of the character images, but the placeholders load fine.

Still need to redo the large character images to be dynamic. After that, it'll be actually working on the game interaction mostly in event handlers and packet communication. Pretty soon the flash client should catch up to where I left off with the server and text-based client.


Do you still need some map tiles drawn? Trees, water, transitions and all that?

I forgot most of what we talked about during our map talks. But I might have a picture of that sample water/grass/bridge things we drew on the white board someplace.


If you want help with tiles I can use any help you can give. I will post the required sizes and whatnot when I get home.


Tile size is 40x40, GIF file type. No transparency or anything of the sort needed. Super basic.


Cool. Now its here for all the world to see. And me to stop forgetting :)


Bam! Dynamically loading graphics are finished!

On to a little bit of UI, a little bit of event handling and an actual working demo!


I feel so underproductive now.  :)


Completed all the basic movement, map changes, NPC loading.

Currently working in the game:

Creating a new account
Logging in
Creating a character
Joining a game
Loading maps, NPCs and other characters
Walking around
Changing maps
Using exits

So basically you can join a game and wander around a mostly empty world with other players. I'll be working on communication between player characters next.

If anybody wants to try it out, let me know and I'll set up a server somewhere.


Cool dude. Let's try it out! The front end is still Flash-based, right?


Yep, front end is flash based. Server can run on either windows or linux.

I am currently in the middle of getting the messaging to work, but I'll try and set up a server this weekend sometime.