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Randomland's Drupal Module

Started by zourtney, Oct 21, 2009, 03:06 PM

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Sick? Man, youda illest! I mean, get well soon.


Ok, the test site issue has been resolved. It is now running the most recent version of the module. I've uploaded and tagged a few pictures. Yeah, the UI still sucks, but you can get the idea of how it works by clicking on the tags listed below the image.

For example:


Just tossing out there that Nick has been working with the Views module and is getting many workings done. If it's feasible, I'll try to automate the creation of this in the module code. Or at least make an admin page.

We almost have a working image system, I think. Cool.


Apparently this isn't where I've been posting updates about the ol' Drupal image module, but I'll do it anyway. This forum loves fragmented, wandering, meandering, unfocused, .....what was I saying?

Oh yeah:
I just committed a super-crap implementation of the old rlimg module which passes off work to the Media module....expect the implementation to change significantly. But what does work is the tried-and-boring [rlimg 1] where 1 is now the media id.

All this to say: if you want to test super-duper basic rlimg syntax with Views, you can now. It'll use thumbnail size. And it isn't configurable...yet.

Easiest way to get it on the server:

  [admin@randomland drupal]cd sites/all/modules
  [admin@randomland modules]git clone --branch master rlimg
  [admin@randomland modules]cd rlimg

Then get future updates with:

  [admin@randomland rlimg]git pull


Cool! I look forward to implementing this into the gallery!


I haven't quite figured out how it gets the image sizes. They might be hardcoded presets (they are not the names defined in Image Styles). Anyways, it's something. Any feature requests?


You don't just use print theme('image_style',$image); ?

What are you using for outputting images?


I have a suspicion (<-- why does that word look wrong) that I will revert to that. And drop the usage of Media Markup entirely. So long as I get the image path, using theme() is likely the better approach. And strikingly similar to the original implementation in rlcore.

Which brings me to another point from a conversation Nick and I had yesterday. The base image File type has no fields other than the image itself. We will need to add them. Adding them programmatically (in a module) seems like the "right" way to do this. Much of this was already done in the old rlcore code, just with Nodes instead of Files.

Should we break this up into a separate, dependent project? If so, what should we call it? It might be nice, at least for development...for issue tracking, anyway.


Call the other one media-fields?

I vote making it all one module with the expressed intent to create a useable gallery and media categorization system from the media module. I guess it would be a competitor to the media-gallery. But hopefully a little more powerful.

But with that said, it would be nice to give people the option to have alternate fields used off of the media nodes. Giving them the option of naming them different or using a bunch of nodes that already exist.

A third thing is search. At the moment the taxonomy terms attached to media nodes do not show up under that taxonomy. So we will have to figure out what is missing from what and what needs hooked into. I know; that's vague.


Hmmm, grrrr, it appears that the downsized images are not being generated at the moment. Only the square thumbnail the Media modules uses (see Content -> Media tab).
