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Vista 2.0

Started by zourtney, Feb 19, 2010, 05:18 PM

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I broke down today and bought Windows 7 Pro, full version. Sure, there are still plenty of way to "acquire" such things with little more than an internet connection, but I decided to go for the legitimacy.

I was thinking of playing around with Ubuntu, maybe installing KDE because pretty and stuff. But I'll probably opt for keeping Linux in the VirtualBox for now. It fits in there nicely.


I don't find I use it much on my desktop (linux that is) I use it allot on my laptop because it boots up and shuts down faster. But that's usually just when I'm trying to look something up real quick.

For the 7s I think I liked the RC better then the release. But that may be all in my head. I guess I too might consider purchasing it too if dell hadn't thrown a few copies at me with my busted laptop they replaced.  Going back to XP would be like turning in your brand new car for an 15+ year old camry. Its ok, it runs well and everything still works, but the new one was so much nicer (and smelled good.) Not that I can smell windows very effectively.


Funny. I have a 15 year old Camry. It's a '95! And you ought to be careful with the shiny new Camry's...we all know Toyota is having a wee-little Quality Assurance hiccup at the moment. But that obviously was not the point at all.

And yeah, Cody said something about the RC being maybe better than the production release. How can that be?? I don't doubt it; it just seems wrong on so many levels.


Its more of a taste thing then a usability thing. It feels more like it was built by someone who uses the thing rather then someone who wanted to make it pretty. I have the RC on my desktop still and the release on my laptop. And it might only be because I am used to the RC that the laptop bothers be in subtle ways. I might have to try and catalog my annoyances. Make them more concrete so I can see how silly I am probably being. Some of the things that bug me (I can sadly think of none at the moment) might even just be controlled by a setting someplace I have yet to find....


But apparently you're not the only one to notice such things. We should defintely make a list. I will add to it once I get my copy installed.

User experience in software is a tricky thing. The subtle, no-brainer fixes (from a programmer's point of view) can be the very thing that prevents users from using the software at all. The opposite it equally true: often times users never use those difficult-to-implement features that cost someone a month's work of development headache.

But I'm not sayig anything you didn't already know.


Still good points to make either way. I guess that's where focus groups come in to determine what features are really worth implementing. 


Well, it came. My legitimatest copy of Windows ever. Now it's time to install it.

cruel world

(, I wish we had a newer version of SMF, then we could install the BLINK bbcode plugin! That've been so much more...uh, dumber)


Apparently they're giving out copies of Windows 7 home premium with the purchase of certain hard drives at Fry's. My brother-in-law got a copy and is now planning to install it at home.

I think I'd like to update the vista on my laptop to windows 7, but I can't justify paying that much for not that much of a difference.


Thus the genius in marketing. All those haters (myself included) who strayed away from Vista and lived with XP for a decade now have an excuse to run a modern OS. But yeah, every time I see Vista I realize that most everything I like in 7 is there, in Vista.

It's kinda like you can skip every-other Microsoft Windows release...