I've got tools, what should I make with them?

Started by Brad, Dec 27, 2009, 04:33 PM

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I got a bunch of tools for Christmas. The main ones are:

10" Compound Miter Saw with laser guide
Circular Saw with laser guide

Now that I can cut stuff, I really need a project to work on. I think I should probably make a bench to put the miter saw on, any other ideas?


All sorts of lawn furniture, or a picnic table? Perhaps a "sweet ramp" off of which you can perform "sick jumps."

Or a trebuchet!


I am needing to make or buy some shelves. I have CDs, DVDs, tapes, games, and books which end up on the floor because I don't have shelf room for them. Sure, I could have less stuff, but I was thinking I should get more shelf space instead.

Also, I want to make crappy boxes out of 2x wood and carpeted OSB. That'd be the shizzle, as they say. Could you even use those boxes to bust some "mad tricks" like stair-steppin' cliff drops on your mountain bike! We could "sweet ramp" up the front of your house to the peak and mad-trick stair-step cliff-drop down the back side into you backyardizzle, yo! Now that'd sic that shizzler right off his rox! (And yes, I am just making up crap.)


All the best stuff is generally just made-up.

Now you have something to make! Shelves for Courtney! I also want to make a shelf of sorts. I would like to make a three-tiered shelf-a-sorts for housing my turtle tank and a fish tank plus some fish/turtle related things under neath. Then I could rearrange things and have a little more open floor space. That too would be the shizzle.

If you ever want to make thing, then we should all get together and make things! Courtney and I, I am sure can both make it over to your hose one of these weekends. Or you can bring your stuff over this way and use our ample room (and saw horses) to work on things.

Oh yeah, and lets go Swamp Diving.


Swamp diving with power tools?! Can you imagine?!  :D

Another project (of mine) -- this spring I'd like to make an expando-house for my gecko. He has grown an inch or two and is now looking a bit large for that 10 gallon aquarium. Surely I could find a 20 gallon tank for cheap on Craigslist, but they're supposed to be climbers. I want to build up. This thread provided me with enough inspiration to think he needs a new tank soon.

But sorry, Brad, I'm not really sure what you should build. I just have lots of ideas of my own. Adopt and adapt, as they say.* You'll think of a project soon, like those shelves we were talking about today. That should take about 13 minutes for a person that knows what they're doing...that equates to about 1-1.5 hours on my time table.

* I've never actually heard anyone say that.