Randomland.net - Test Site Discussion

Started by Nick, Apr 18, 2010, 04:03 PM

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I played with views on the test site a little at lunch today, this is what I managed to get in my limited time.

It's not much, but shows that it can be done. I will work more on recreating our gallery, and I will try and keep the URLs pretty :)

Of what I can think of, the only major thing we'd be missing is multi-file uploads. But that's fixable.


Cool. But I give up; what are you querying for? I tried playing with the Views UI a few weeks ago and had trouble getting the GET parameters to work like I expected.

I we figure something good out, we can automate it.


I didn't do a query (or filter as it calls them) I just got all the image nodes. I only spent about 10 minutes messing with it. But it looks doable.


oh ok. Well, if you figure out how to make it filter by URL parameters (specifically tags by machine name) then cool. I kind of gave up. But that doesn't mean it's impossible, only that I'm lazy.


I have it filtering by taxonomy terms. Is that what you meant? Its simpleish to make it do it by ID instead.

Here ya go
for the two collections we have in there so far.

And this:
That's a list of all the collections. I don't yet know how to make it use a preview-image. Doing that might require some PHP.


(I thought I was writing a reply to this already, but it seems to have been a mental composition only  ???)

Cool, that's a nice start. Can you get it to query multiple terms names via URL? (This is where I got stumped) Ideally, we would have a few different options, like "union", ....oh I forget my math terms! Like this:

  • cheese,camping means cheese AND camping
  • cheese+camping (same as above)
  • cheese|camping means cheese OR camping
  • cheese+!camping means cheese AND NOT camping

Mind you, that's just off-the-top-of-my-head syntax. But that sort of thing (especially the first) is used frequently.

Then I tried combining term filtering rules with a some other filtering rule, and the whole thing fell apart. Like maybe:

Perhaps you get the idea. Anyway. I never got that far (and perhaps that's not even what we want). But that's where I start, mentally.


I think that would be a different page made for searching rather then browsing collections. But you can pass multiple collections to the page as it is (I just updated it to include that.) Just use a ',' between collection names.

Example: http://test.randomland.net/view_collection_by_id/31+17

You can only do it with IDs at the moment it seems. But (from the looks of the options) they are going to offer it with term names as all. At the moment it is not handling the text input correctly for the multiple terms, but the IDs are fine.

We are also running the DEV version of Views due to a bug in the current release (multiple terms would not even work as IDs with that release.)


I think I ran in to that issue too (multiple IDs worked, but not multiple terms by name). Surely that's a desirable feature that will be fixed eventually. So we might as well build around it...instead of completely stopping...which I what I did  :-[

Anyway, one thing Nick and I were talking about is setting up the module to define templated search pages (.tpl.php). Then just invoking whatever view we need and skin the results how we want. This might be an overly complex way to generate a simple query, though; it seems that Views was designed to be an all-in-one solution for this type of thing. I dunno.

Soooooo, maybe a better place to start is defining what we want. A while back, I updated the wiki page with some possible URLs and outputs. Please edit them. I don't yet know how we want the gallery to behave, so let's get something down and discuss it.  :) (Note: what I defined in my last post is probably different than what's on the wiki...)


I'm lame and haven't touched the picture stuff yet. Plah.

What else do we need to sevenize?


All of our content and the theme/make new theme.


The module 'migrate' may be of use for moving our custom content over. I am not sure how it works yet, but you create files that define what you are getting and where it is going and it takes care of all the commands to get the data and create new nodes/taxonomy.

Also. I tried running the included update.php script for drupal 7 (that comes with drupal, nothing to do with the migrate module) and it seems to not like our site. I get the 'white screen of death.' Not sure if its some modules or what.


I was thinking about the lack of a SMF drupal bridge for 7, and what are people thoughts on OpenID?

I looked into it briefly, and both SMF 2 and Drupal 7 seem to support it. We can set up our own server or user google/yahoo/whatevers servers (i.e. Authentication provider.)

Thoughts? Ponderings? Or Musings?  

Of course, the other option is to just use the drupal forums (not that there is any way to migrate the existing one. Unless there is a smf->v-bulletin->drupal-7 path I didn't find)  

Furthermore, drupal can act as an intermediary for openID logins: http://drupal.org/project/openidurl
You could log into places by adding http://randomland.net/users/yourpersonage to applicable accounts.

Ok.. done editing. Back to busytimes.


Using OpenID seems like a good solution to the lack of a Drupal bridge. Implementing OpenID is actually one of the things on the "sevenization list". I definitely want that working.

I played with it a month or two ago but...in classic Drupal fashion, it either wasn't as straightforward as expected or I am too dumb to understand what it was doing. Do we need to set up some authorization scheme? If you want to play with this, go ahead :) I definitely want it working when we switch over.


Ok. I will look at that more and see what I can do. It sounded like an interesting concept, running ones own method of identification. I wonder how much better it is then shared keys or some scheme like that. Research, research. Looks like I have some reading to do, out of curiosity of how it all works anyway.
