Randomland.net - Test Site Discussion

Started by Nick, Apr 18, 2010, 04:03 PM

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The node shown there is a view that does a quary for all the image nodes with the taxonomy terms 35 or 20 attached. It checks to make sure the the terms passes in are in the collections taxonomy (so you don't get odd results)

Its 5 different tpl files with names like 'views-view--image-collection.tpl.php'. I have edited most of them to get it to leek better then the (rather ugly) default. They are located under /themes/bartik/ at the moment. The default output was commented out. So changing the settings on the view for the displayed fields wont do anything (other then break it :))

And cool! No duplicates when combining collections that overlap:


So where are we at? The last post on here makes it look like we have 85% awesome of an image gallery. Assuming mass-upload and prettifying (theming) can wait, what else needs done?

Has everything been created as "views"?

Obviously, we all have better things to do with our time...yet I still feel so compelled to make this work in some fashion.


Yup, everything is a view. We can easily make more for user galleries and for any other way that you might want to group pictures. If we want we can start moving everything over. We can try their upgrade scipt or with the feeds module.


A user gallery view would be sweet. Views for user, tag, and collection, "latest", and "random" are the ones that comes to mind. Those may not all be efferent views necesarily, but they have different functions.

Did I make a "private" field on the Image node? Seems like there was...or a "display in ImageStream", rather.

Is there a way to export the view's source (fields, filters, etc)? The reason I ask is that I think it'd be nice to store them in the module repo...possibly even make them "install" via the module, just to make things easier if we ever shuffle stuff around.


Yes there is a way to export them and load them. I will export the latest version and toss them into randomlands google-docs thing.

On another note. Randomland expires in two months. We can renew for 9 years for $64.40 using a coupon for 30% off. Should we?


Is this where we talk about the test site? There have been so many threads...

Anyway, I played with the Pressers a bit more. It's quite a lot less painful to use than Drupal. Mostly because there are tons of plugins written...AND working.

To do our standard image system thing, we'd need to do a little tweaking, but it's looking comparatively simple to a Drupal solution.

So, check it out and let's find out what we need to do! I discovered there are a bunch of unused hours between 11pm and 5am. Who knew?


Most people use those hours for sleeping...

As far as the pressers go: it seems like it will be an ultimately easier solution then the druples. Though a single module for drupal could change that.

As for all this, we should come up with some standard for posting content that will make moving from one system to another easier in the future. 


Agreed. That's the entire reason I made the little rlimg syntax thing in the first place. Of course, our image references (numbers) are bound to get lost/screwed up, so it's kinda moot :-\

As for text input, I'm partial to the Markdown or Wiki markup syntax (they're very similar). I got nice automatic syntax highlighting going on with Markdown on the test site. Which should be good enough for anything we ever write.

With that, plus a simple way to embed images and video, we should be set. With the "Media Gallery Shortcode" (or whatever that's already installed), it pretty much works already. But I wouldn't mind tweaking it to have more styling options.


If we reference all the images by some kind of naming convention then moving them to a new system would only require that the /relativepath/imagename.jpg was the same. This line of thinking makes me want to just offload all the images to someplace other then the content again. Or make a new subdomain media.randomland.net with a wordpress install (perhaps the same one for now) that is the source for all local media. Then in the future we just keep the wordpress (or whatever) install around to keep the paths the same.


I've had that thought before, too. Then I come back to, "uh it's just a blog that gets posted to like four times a year..."

Either way, a consistent way to reference images would be good. Numbers are...not awesome, but it's short. And I haven't come up with something better. I avoided filenames (originally) because it'd be easy to for them to conflict. And prefixing it with a folder/gallery name has essentially the same problem, with the added detriment of having a longer input string. Plus it implies hierarchy, where we are trying to abolish and replace that with meaningful tags.



Allowing them to be referenced by id-numbers but committing to a repository system?



Made a minor addition to the test site. Not really worth noting, but its quiet in here :P

Just lists the image categories as links. The default page for showing the categories is rather unfriendly. I will take some PHPliers to it next and see if it cant be bent into shape.

Also, how does one not have a post/page show up on the 'news roll' thing?
Also, the header is gigantic.


I only tried it from the mobile site, but cool. Yeah, most of those things need some tweakings. I've been...otherwise occupied.

Also, WordPress has a longstanding, unhealthy obsession with gigantic headers. It has always bothered me. But we need to re-theme anyway.

So much to do, so little motivation.


I understand the being occupied. Though you may have more excuse then I.

Let camping be thy motivation!


I was thinking "campcamp" this morning, despite the rain.