Randomland.net - Test Site Discussion

Started by Nick, Apr 18, 2010, 04:03 PM

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An action plan. Cool. Guess I'll get on it!


And I'll get to the encouragement :)

'Good job! Way to persist in face of extreme pessimism!"


Oops. I didn't realize I was that pessimistic.


Not you. The rest of the world. And it was a joke. And it was a quote from a game you likely have never played. Though you should play it. You would like it. Its a puzzle game. And its free now. And its Portal.


No wonder I missed it :)

Portal is free now? Jerks on Xbox live had it on "sale" for like $8. How rude, are those platform gamer stores!


Yup free. Just steam some up!

Nope, I was wrong. It was only for the portal 2 announcement that portal was free. Its back to $20 for a three year old game that used to just cost $30 in the orange box.


Just wait for another steam sale. It'll be back to $5 or free eventually.


Good news: I got the module doing what we manually created on the test site the other day. I did it my deleting a bunch of code. It's on the SVN. I'll try to make it live on the test server tomorrow.


Ok, the new, running image module is up on test. In typical Randomland fashion, "tomorrow" means ~2 weeks.



Drupal poople. I heard from The Register that v7 should go in to public beta soon. Ik not sure what that means since they've been tossing out lots of beta versions, but yeah. We should totally work on Randomland in our "free" time.

Actually, making content is probably more worth while. Yet seemingly not so much fun. I guess we need things to write about...


Defiantly need more things to write about. Reviews and opinions and useless yet humorous  things.


Wish list for new site (just so I don't forget):

- New theme, probably something a little lighter
- Uh, content
- Image node support (using my module, if necessary)
- Tagged and browseable images (pretty-up / override taxonomy view pages)
- Gravatar support (show avatar for author and commenters, when applicable)
- Anonymous commenting with some anti-spammery

Oh. Also quite important:
- A decision on what content will be where (because, by now, most of it is on this forum)


So, I'm getting that "randomland needs sprucing up" urge. Should I waste hours and hours on Drupal 7 theming stuff? I might be up for it...


Its a slightly daunting task. And thats why I haven't done it yet. But I too have felt that I am neglecting the good ol' RL these days. It needs some love and some content. I would be up to assisting in a drupal 7ing of things.