Randomland.net - Test Site Discussion

Started by Nick, Apr 18, 2010, 04:03 PM

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Perhaps why it seems so familiar. Still, I like it :)


Sooo......the test site was pretty screwed up for that module I installed. So the test site is now gone. Totally gone. If someone knows the mysql username and password, can you let me know? Apparently it's not what I thought it was  :-\ The "test" database will need to be dropped and re-added before we can install the new Drupal beta...


If you are working on new themes make some more mobile friendly ones.


I'm not currently, but that's a pretty high priority, when I get there. You're welcome to help, of course. Though I'm sure you'll be pretty busy for a while. But yeah, I will need opinions, at the very least.


The password for the test database should be store in the drupal config files. Unless they have been deleted already.


I know...I searched around in the settings files but did not find it. It's gone now. Apparently I don't even know the root password anymore...


It hasn't changed :) I am about to PM it to you, so check your forum mail.


I updated the test site with the newest of Druplars. Unfortunately, the media gallery module appears to not install properly :(


I installed the media gallery module on the test site. It seems to work decently, but there is a hitch -- images are not stored in Drupal nodes. This means that we would have to port every image over into the new gallery and fix EVERY reference.

I can think of a few tedious workarounds, but nothing fun sounding. So, I dredge the ancient question: what should we do with our images on Randomland?


We should create our own image server. Nothing that is tied to anything specific, but has an API for serving up images and list of images based on requests. This could then be interfaced with anything capable of sending a request in XML to the server and the server could reply with information about the image and with a link to or with the binary image.

Lots of work... its probably been done/being done... of limited usefulness seeing that there are so many things that fill this nitch already. Perhaps we should just find a canned solution and make a drupal interface for it (if it doesn't have one already.)

Dare I say Bam?


Hey, for the SMF 2.X beta stuff there is a plugin for automatically detecting mobile devices and pointing them to a mobile version of the site... there is even a theme to use/ base a new theme on.  I cant set it up at the moment. But I will try and play with it sometime soon.



I kilt the test site last night. Lo siento.


That's ok. the forums are in another folder and just need a sym-link pointing to them from the test-site folder.


Cool. It doesn't work, but I like the idea.


It was working day before yesterday...

OK. Looks like the link got deleted at some point. That's why it wouldn't work. It should be good now.


The command is: ln -s /var/www/forums-test/ /var/www/randomland-test/forums
if it ever needs created again.