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Firefox Add-Ons

Started by zourtney, May 06, 2010, 08:24 AM

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I somehow ended up creating a project for myself at work. It involves making a simple Firefox extension. It's a bit wacky, but there are some cool things you can do. And despite other browsers being faster and managing memory better, Firefox still beats them out in terms of extensibilty.

So, since I now how like 5 days of experience in writing Mozilla extensions, is there anything you can think of that you want? Perhaps anything Randomland-centric?


Thats cool, but I can't think of anything.

Perhaps a streamlined image/file uploader for the drupals.... One that lets you upload an image, optionally add a souce file (that gets made into a file node...) and set a description.  :)


Hmmm, that doesn't necessarily lend itself to being an addon, but we could write some fancy scripts. Perhaps some combination of PHP and JavaScript could give us a decent uploader.

But, I know it's been done before. Several thousand times. So I guess we should look into that again some time.