The Community Picture Drive

Started by zourtney, May 20, 2010, 06:13 PM

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Somewhere in the greater Salem area lies a hard drive full of magical and revolutionary photographs of the past 8 years of my life. But it's not just for my photos -- oh no no! Copy what you want from it, load it up pictures of your own, the pass it along.

It's just a noisy of PATA drive wrapped up in a shiny blue external enclosure. It's only 40 or 80 gigs so it can't hold everyone's photos. Feel free to wipe it once you've copied what you want from it. I not looking to get it back, at least not with my own pictures still on it. Instead, this is more just the official announcement that it exists.

Last I heard, Nick had it. And he was going to compress his videos before loading it up with his pictures.


The fellowship of the wandering image cache¿

You are correct. After I got vdub to do a batch xvidding all my videos were 1/10 the size. I still need to go in and verify them and then delete the biguns. Then brad can have it all if he likes. Though it still might not all fit.