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A crazy idea...

Started by Brad, Sep 26, 2010, 11:29 PM

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Yeah, that is the downfall of racing games. I'll probably just use a stool but an actual racing cab would be pretty sweet. Maybe some other time after I put a shed up in my backyard to store stuff.

Anyway, yeah the front-end is built for Mame, but can handle multiple other emulators as well. You can switch between them and it to the user it just looks like a separate games list, same format and everything even though there are different programs running in the background.

Now how many other systems lend themselves to using arcade controls? I don't know. But the possibility is there. Not even difficult either.


Because I need to feel like I am making some progress...

I have added nes, snes genesis and gameboy advance games to my arcade front end. They are all listed under their own custom layouts which are seemlessly built into the front end. A secret key press and you switch machine types. I've attached some pictures.

Also because I apparently need something to do I've started switching in arcade game attract mode videos. These replace the screenshots on the game selection screen and also allow me to a screen saver of sorts by randomly playing attract videos if the machine hasn't been used in 15 minutes. No attached pictures off this as it would like exactly like a regular screenshot thing anyway of course.


Cool and cool again. This is something that everyone should have in their living-rooms. Think of how nicely a two or four player arcade box in the corner could bring people together for quick, uncomplicated game playing.

What would be cool for a future version of this is some sort of low power embedded system with a suspend/resume switch for super quick boot up without any big power consumption when the system is not in use. Though I guess you can have the windows system suspend/hibernate after a set time, and put a button on the thing mapped to the sleep command.

But cool! I greatly approve. Let me know if you want help making the cabinet. It sounds fun. 


So I've begun the material collection stage, which presides the actual cutting of the parts and assembly of the arcade cabinet.

The material for most of the cabinet (not the control panel or back pieces) is actually going to be two-sided black 3/4" melamine. All the parts are going to be CNC cut, because I can and because they'll be way more more likely to actually fit together properly. The melamine is going to be great to because I'm not going to even have to paint most of the thing, it'll come out black and smooth and shiny from the beginning.

The control panel will be constructed of plywood as it needs to be able to have a bunch of holes in and still be really strong. The plywood will be painted, covered in a decal and then have a thin layer of plexi-glass screwed in over the top of it. So you can see the decal but can't rip it off while you are smashing around on the controls.

The marquee is actually going to be paper sandwiched between two pieces of glass, with a light behind it. I'm using glass because plexi-glass doesn't sandwich perfectly, it gets kinda bendy which could look weird with light behind it. Plus glass for some reason is cheaper than plex-glass? Weird. I don't think it's likely to get hit or broken way up there.

I'm also looking for places to either print or buy decals. I could get the marquee done if I had access to at least a b-sized plotter. There are plenty of places that sell reproduction decals and stuff.


Awesome. I'd like to see thissome time. Pictures, at the very least!

Also, "yo." How's life, Melissa, and the youngin'?


I decided to splurge and get a trackball. It should be here Friday. Gonna have to make the whole cabinet 2" wider to make room.

Also, I should be able to get a lot of the materials this week, so maybe some cutting and pictures this weekend.


Where is this trackball going to go? What's the new control layout look like?


The trackball goes in the very center of the control panel, as most trackball games are one player at a time. Also I am not going to buy two trackballs for the one game that does.

With the trackball in the center you can use either player's buttons allowing you to use the trackball right or left handed.

I found a bunch of extra trackball games too. I am up to nearly 300 arcade games. They are seperated into lists by genre though which makes it easier to find things,


Cool. That's pretty much what I was visualizing. So, are we going to have some crazy arcade parties once it's all together? :)


Yeah we definitely  will!

The getting of the construction materials has been delayed until Monday. Hopefully I will be building really soon after that.

Also I need some sounds for the gui frontend, and maybe some music to play while selecting games. Know anybody who can make sounds or music?


If you're seeking obnoxious, I can help. Otherwise.....?


Obnoxious sounds are acceptable.

Here is a list of all the events which I need sounds for:
Game List Movement (like changing tracks on an iPod or something... a small quick sound)
Game Start
Game Quit
Game List Change
Emulator Change

Also any sort of arcade-ish, video game-ish, techno-ish background music.

Even if you can't create anything, if you anybody can help me find some that might work that'd be awesome.


I'm considering giving up sleep. I'd have a lot more time to work on all these pet projects I seem to collect...


As soon as man kind can give up sleep, so much more could get done. But you realize that everyone would be expected to work 12 hour work days, right? :)

Just become independently wealthy. Then you could spend the waking time any way you like.


Wait people still sleep? I'd forgotten about that.

Seriously though I don't actually expect you to make a stuff for me. It is just a in case you get really bored and feel like making a midi something but don't know what to make sort of thing.

Although if do run across cool sounds while browsing the internet let me know. Good sound effects are surprisingly difficult to find.