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Get Out, See Green!

A crazy idea...

Started by Brad, Sep 26, 2010, 11:29 PM

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Anybody got an extra keyboard they want to get rid of? I've got one for it I can take apart, but I want another one to keep hidden inside the cabinet for actually working on the PC.

Also, the PC is completely finished. Got the sound system figured out too. Everything is pretty much ready as far as computer stuff goes. The PC is a Core 2 Duo with 2 gigs for ram a 256mb video card a 200gb hard drive. Seriously overkill, but hey it was free.

I do want to hack windows and change the gateway and windows loading screens to be something more "arcade-ish". That reminds me. This arcade machine needs a name. I am now taking name suggestions.


Dibs! I seriously have at least 3 unused keyboards lying around. I'd be happy to get rid of one. They come in flavors of PS/2 or USB, though. Take your pick!

As for a name...wow, I can't think of anything.  :-\ Usually a system is named after the game you're playing. So I guess you'd be looking for something more like the name of an arcade establishment. The Galleria? Blunderland? Mr. Briles' Entertainment Espectaculár? I seriously suck at naming things (but so do the Japanese).


So I found a google sketchup model of the exact cabinet I want to make. It's basically the exact type used by the Streetfighter game. It is a 25" wide cabinet so it should work perfectly.

I did find a small issue however. My monitor won't fit in the box at its current size. Not because the screen is too big, but because it is too long. The monitor is kept at an angle, and with this angle it's about 2" too long to fit in the box. Debating whether or I should take it out of it's box to shrink the size a bit, or make the cabinet larger.

I want the smallest cabinet possible, so I don't want to arbitrarily increase the size of the cabinet if I don't need to. Not sure how much space I'll save by removing the monitor case though. At least an inch or so I bet. Gotta way that against the possible electrocution and death.


What about the cabinet would have to change? The overall depth? Taking apart a monitor sounds interesting, but yeah, I don't know how much clearance it'll gain you...


It wouldn't be arbitrary if its to make the monitor fit :P And to think those were the compact line of monitors!

I don't think you will notice two inches of depth one way or the other, but it might be fun to strip the case off and mount it. I don't know if it would be worth an inch though, seeing as enerything around there need unplugged anyway less it start fires. And you would be exposing all those fire hungry electronics opening the case.     :P


All of the inputs on the monitor are actually recessed in by about 2". It's the piece above all the inputs which sticks out so far. Plus the monitor is angled, so they'd be even farther away from the wall of the cabinet. Just the stupid bulky back of the monitor.

I dunno. I really don't want an extra 3"-4" to the depth. I could change the angle the monitor is placed at... I could shrink up the space between where they normally put the plexiglass and the front of the monitor...

I wasn't planning on making it BIGGER than the real thing.


Alright model modifications have been finished. Changed a bunch of minor things, but the monitor will fit now.

Ordered my controls too. Updated the Randomland page with almost no information whatsoever.


Yeah, that page got a lot smaller...You should post a picture of the model. Or the model itself would be cool, too.

What are your plans for paint and graphics?


Tha t is a good question. Considering going the retro look and using art from and old classic arcade game. Or I could just do something to make it look new and cool. Or I could incorporate art from a bunch of different games. Still working on the details.


The parts have arrived!



I agree, that is totally awesome. I especially like the two-player button for reasons unknown. Have you solidified your cabinet design? This project is cool :)


Cabinet design is finished. Well not the colors or artwork or whatever that is going on it. All the rest is designed though. Just going to need to create some files which the cnc machine can read to cut out all the main parts.

Going to start taking apart the keyboard and mapping out its input matrix really soon.

I think I should have done my project writeup in more of a blog format rather than a static page I keep updating (or rather not updating).


Since Nick asked here is the link to the keyboard encoder I ordered: http://groovygamegear.com/webstore/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=76_80&products_id=303

It should be arriving either today or tomorrow.


Cool. Microcontrollers. Thats even more fancy then I was expecting. I could have made you an RS232 one :) But not nearly as nice as that one.