Randomland - Server Status and Information.

Started by Nick, Oct 20, 2010, 05:11 PM

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We are back! ...Mostly.

Running on Ubuntu 11.10. Apache 2.2.2. PHP 5.3.6. MySql 5.1.58.

I will be setting up the rest of the virtual hosts as time allows today.

Nothing is lost from the old server, if there are any files you want moved over or any setting I have forgotten to port just let me know.

Brad, I am not sure how you SVN server was set up but you will have a sudo enabled account soon, or just tell me what you would like done.

Courtney, the wordpress setting table of your site took forever to import :) Just thought it was interesting. The huge table for the forums went faster.


The forums now have a nice mobile theme for easier phone browsing! It's a smashup of the default theme, some css from the main theme and parts of the curve mobile theme. 

Anything need changed on it? Bigger text here? Add avatars to posts? Menus suck?


Server hardware update!

We are now running an Athlon II X3 450 (with the 4th core unlocked) and 8GB DDR3. This was a needed update as the old hardware would not support enough RAM for a decent minecraft server. Multiple game server should run on this machine at the same time without issue now. Site performance might be noticeably faster. Might not.



If you have been having trouble connecting to randomland.net or here, the forums, it is because the zoneedit DNS servers seem to be on the fritz. With only one of them listed as online (and that one was not set with godaddy as one of the server we could be found though) it has been hard to get our name resolved.

I added the third server to our list on godaddy so that one will be looked at in addition to the other two when trying to resolve our IP. I hope this all clears up soon. It had be fiddling with the routers DNS setting and rebooting things (much to Brent's dismay)


We are now on hurricane electrics free dns system after several days of unresolved zone edit issues.


I have been wondering what the problem was. Glad to see it is back up and running for the moment at least!
"Stop whining. Before you really get me irritated."
   --Boba Fett


Yeah, thanks for clearing this up. I wasn't getting my Randomland fix lately. Now I sleep better :)


Turned off user registration. It was getting annoying. I might try to create/setup a better CAPTCHA sometime. 


Ok...you're right, it was getting annoying. But every day I could be heard saying, "oooh, look at all of these new Randomland fans!!"


If only our popularity extended beyond the robotic demographic.


Updated the Tapitalk plugin and updated to the latest version of SMF.


Oh cool, thanks. I've been meaning to do the Tapatalk part (well, I haven't thought about it too recently, but yeah, it was on a todo list somewhere up there)


Sorry about the down time, a network cable came unplugged when I was moving some stuff.