Randomland - Server Status and Information.

Started by Nick, Oct 20, 2010, 05:11 PM

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I was wondering what happened. I almost even bugged you about it :) All of this reminds me that I need some more outdoor adventures...



Server is now visualized... again. But better this time.

Server is running ESXI (VmWares Hypervisor) and is on a virtual machine under that. This should allow multiple production, test and windows boxes to run on the same machine at about 90% performance of being on bare-metal. In theory.

Let me know if anything is broken... also on a new version of apache (2.4.4) that seems to behave *slightly* differently.


If there is anything that is not on the server that should be, please let me know. I will soon delete part of the old server backup. I will be setting the Xjabber server back up, the minecraft server back up and anything else I can think of when I think of it.  Perhaps GIT and/Or SVN too, though there are much better alternatives then running our own for those.

I have re-enabled registration! Perhaps more cool, tempo-loving people will show up. But! I need help writing verification questions. Please, admins, write more! Located at admin -> security and moderation -> anti-spam verification questions The more, the better. Have fun but please keep the answers unambiguous as possible.


Power outage for most of the afternoon. Everything is back up. Started a new Terraria server for fresh play with z-man. That is coincidentally the same same as his upcoming album, "Fresh play with z-man".


Your server facility doesn't have generator backup yet? Tsk tsk. You should bring that up in your annual networking and facility services board meeting.


I'm the only one who ever attends those :/ It was decided at the last one that a USP would be cool to have. I wonder how hard it would be to hook up an old car battery to one... that should give a few hours of power.

I was looking at generators on Craigslist the other day. There was a two stroke harbor feight one for $50... kinda tempting. But for camping, not backup :)

I wonder if there is a market for hosted server space in the area. That would be a nice business to run. Just have to keep the lights on and the pipes open.


Ug. So my new hard drive in the server seems to have pooped out. This is a backup from a few days ago on my desktop. Grumblecakes.


I was wondering what happened. That sucks.


Site in back into its normal box. Will be setting up better backups :/ You get lazy when things just 'work' for too long.

I think the problem was caused from a faulty power-connector-adaptor, the kind that goes from MOLEX to SSD-type fittings. It was wiggly. But I'm not sure, really.

I will probably setup a script to throw everything (configs and any custom stuff. But not the www directory, that is too big) at a drop-box account every week and a database backup every day to the same place.  As well as a daily and hourly rotating database backup stored locally.


    Backups! They are whats happen'n.

    Currently automysqlbackup is running. It is keeping 3 days back, 3 weeks back and 1 month back locally. Every night there is a cron job that zips up the etc directory, the password file and the most current set of database backups and sends them to webmasters google drive.

    This should work fine for the most part. I would rather have a remote host that I could rsync the files to, to save a hair of bandwidth. As it is there is only about 40mb when zipped.
    No files uploaded to the site are backedup at the moment. I will either use my desktop or an external disk of some kind to take care of that. Maybe a big flashdive or usb harddrive.
    If anyone has an old SATA harddrive (any size over 30gb will do) I could use that internally in the server.

    Update! It seems I need to backup the forums post-attachments. :/

    System Accounts!

    I have set up an account from bradman and zman (not using those names.)
    I can add you to the sudo group once you have changed your passwords.
    Cody, I will happily set you up an account if you want to play around at all. Learn some linux and all that.


Good news, everyone!

Our ISP has changed their tiering structure and we now have a much higher bandwidth cap and throughput. So upload away!


Upgraded forum software and tapatalk versions.


Updated tapatalk and forum version again.

There is a problem with a connection-reset error page when posting, but posts are still saved. I will look at this when I have a moment.
