Robot Rampage - Suit and Movie

Started by Brad, Nov 10, 2011, 04:02 PM

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I must say, that is indeed quite hilarious!  ;D
"Stop whining. Before you really get me irritated."
   --Boba Fett


Use this for the typing?:

Just start typing! Its fun!


"Stop whining. Before you really get me irritated."
   --Boba Fett


Interesting...No variation, though. I wonder what that code is to... Holy crap, they used a goto!

Edit: you chose "Linux kernel", didn't you :) I thought that might be what it was!


You must really like browsing through archaic code if you recognize parts of the linux kernel :)

You can upload any file you like to use. So we could make a custom one for the robot programming shots. 

Or just do some keystroke capturing and play it back at a high speed.

Or make it look realistic and much less impressive :p


For the mistyping plot to work the import statement has to be readible and understandable to most people. The rest of thecode though can look like complicated robotic awesomeness. Either via obscure language syntax or technobabble functions and variables.


It would be cool if you could make it an obvious text-replacement mistake. Have the IDE select KILL ALL HUMANS rather then Kindness To All Humans or something.


Try to work on some more storyboards later but I'll post my storyline ideas for discussion now.

The next scene takes place the following morning when the two programmers/roboticists return to their lab to discover the robot missing and a giant robot shaped hole in the wall. As their lab is "in the middle of nowhere" they assume that the rogue robot can't have gone far and set out to look for it.

This leads us to a scene with a long camera shot of the robot wandering down an desolate country road. It's early morning. A single car drives by but does not stop. If we had a child actor you could do an in car scene where the kid goes "Mom look a robot!" and the mom ignores him with a "That's nice dear".

Fade to the scene of robot arriving in civilization. This is where the robot causes a bunch of destruction. Specifics of this still to be figured out. Some people get blasted some property gets destroyed. The two programmers track down the robot by following it's path of destruction. Eventually they catch up with the robot and the final showdown occurs.

One of the programmers is injured in the battle but quick-thinkingly comes up with the idea of logical paradoxes and begins shouting them at the robot. This stuns the robot long enough for the other programmer to pull the conveniently located power switch on the front of the robot.

Will post more story ideas later. Need a lot more specifics regarding the actual robot rampage and destruction scenes.