Yay, I can "finish" things (and also it's Mother's Day)!

Started by Brad, May 12, 2013, 12:02 AM

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So I created this HTML5/Javascript Mother's Day card/Centipede clone for my Mom. Due to time constraints some features didn't get completed in time (sounds is the major one) and there are a couple bugs but overall it's the most "finished" thing I've accomplished in quite awhile.

I learned HTML5 canvas controls and Javascript OOP while building this game over the last two weeks. 'Twas a good learning experience if nothing else. Hopefully my Mom likes it too.

Check it out at http://alturl.com/jfpkr.


Wow. Did anyone ever tell you that is awesome? Because it is.

How did you like the OOP Javascript stuff? That's the basis of what I do every day (that I actually get to code  :-\), though a bit more abstract. I like it a lot. We should talk more about cool projects we may or may not ever start..!


Thanks! I had a lot of fun making it.

I am getting used to javascript OOP but I still miss strictly typed variables.  I looked at requirejs but I haven't writtten anything complex enough to need it yet. Overall though I think for simple projects using HTML5 and javascript is quick and easy. I already have an idea for another project in the planning stages.

We should definitely try to do some collaboration.


Yeah, it's different writing in a scripting language for sure...but it's not all bad. Some people get silly with it...there are pros and cons to each.Let's make something! (first I gotta make time)


I will probably never like developing in it as much as I do C++ and C#, but yeah it does get the job done. And it isn't even horrible.

I think for my next small project/task I will write an implementation of the weighted A* pathfinding algorithm in Javascript. That is small enough that I can actually finish it and it would useful for a whole bunch of things. I wrote an implementation in Actionscript back in College that worked really well... but I need to brush up on my algorithms. Haven't done anymore more complex than nested loops with linked lists in too long.