Offline/Static maps

Started by Nick, Jul 31, 2013, 11:04 AM

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Having offline map data is useful when you are lost in the woods. Or just trying to find a way around a washout. GPSs often have decent data, but that gets outdated and is often incomplete or just plain incorrect.

So, having some map data that can be loaded onto a phone and either used in Google maps or in the Garmin android app would be cool. Having up-to-date records of Forest Service roads and National Development roads would be even better.

My google-fo tells me there are ways of converting PDFs to Garmin format and are useable as overlays in google maps (Yuck) And that Oregon has an atrocious map download system. It used to be better, but then they organized it. Now you have to click though to get to a map, and by the time they let you download anything you get only a few miles worth. Kinda useless.

What I did find is this app: All In-One Offline Maps . It looks promising. But not ideal. You have to view areas first to cache the maps (but they are kept permanently) And is likely Android only.
But if that app can get that data, there must be some way to get the overlays and a topo basemap for use in google maps.