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RPi.GPIO object oriented wrapper

Started by zourtney, Aug 07, 2013, 07:23 AM

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I started a little project to wrap the Rasberry Pi RPi.GPIO library in a more object-oriented architecture (meat). It's all woefully incomplete, but lets you do things like this:

from gpiocrust import Header, OutputPin

with Header() as header:
    my_led = OutputPin(11)   # create pin set for output. Defaults to OFF
    my_led.value = True      # or 1

# Cleanup is automatic.

I also wrapped up the pulse width modulated output pin functionality, so you can (effectively) get variable output levels.

from gpiocrust import Header, PWMOutputPin

with Header() as header:
    # Create software PWM'ed pin @100Hz, half-brightness
    my_led = PWMOutputPin(11, frequency=100, value=0.5)
    # Nah, go for epilepsy mode!
    my_led.frequency = 10
    my_led.value = 0.9

(You don't have to use with statements, it's just good for examples)

We can build this out for inputs and whatever else I don't even know about yet. The goal is just something a little more "pythonic" than the thinly veiled C library. Let me know if you all are interested.


Very cool. I am definitely interested in playing around with this when I get me second non-pirate ship oi and camera.


Sa-weet, that's just what I was hoping for :) When you get your hardware, just pull down the code and hack away. Add your two cents, half-dollars, Cheez-Its -- whatever. The more minds on this, the better.

I'm dreaming about how we could leverage @decorator syntax in a meaningful way. With inputs and eventing (of which I know virtually nothing), maybe something like:

def do_mondo_action():

The good news is that my pack on tiny buttons just arrived in the mail today. So now I can learn how to say hello to the other half of the I/O world. This is fun. I should've been doing this stuff a decade ago!


...well, that was easy. I played with my switches and updated the library accordingly. A simple non-polling input driven program would look something like this:

from gpiocrust import Header, InputPin

with Header() as header:
  switch = InputPin(11)   # pull-down by default

  def take_action(value):
    if value:
      pass     # it is high
      pass     # it is low

And that is all.


I updated this lil' library to fall back to mock classes when RPi.GPIO cannot be imported. That way one can build out and test the general I/O flow from any system. Then, deploy it to the Pi when you're ready to try it on real hardware.

This fallback logic is under It will be transparent to the calling code, expect for a warning message piped to the console:

WARNING: RPi.GPIO library not found. Falling back to mock objects.


Thats cool. This may turn unto a project that people at large might be interested in. PI people, anyway.