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Learning JavaScript

Started by Cody, Jan 08, 2014, 01:28 PM

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So it's been about a week since you guys said I should try and learn JavaScript. A week that, excluding the screaming at my monitor bits, has been pretty fun. I've done all the free tutorials on Code Avengers and most of the ones on Codeacademy. After I finish those I'm not quite sure what I should do next though. And this seemed like a good place to ask. Or at the very least inform you of my new interest in programming.
"Stop whining. Before you really get me irritated."
   --Boba Fett


Awesome! Programming is a skill that opens up a lot of possibilities. Whether it is creating nifty lightweight web apps or building a robot with spinning blades of death in your backyard the basic programming concepts apply.

The best way to learn programming is by doing it. I can give you a bunch of ideas for simple projects but you'll have a more fun time if you pick something you are interested in.

Personally I always chose games, even back when I was just starting to learn. Just find something you are interested in and try to make it. Keep it simple. Take the most simple project you can think of and then simplify it more.


Unfortunately, Javascript is a weird place to learn about the fundamentals of encapsulation (and data hiding). But it's great at building interactive UIs. Something like an interactive SVG (or canvas) project might be a rewarding start.


Yeah and you miss out on data typing too. You can do variables, functions and objects though. Dont even try to understand what scope is in JavaScript. Because holy crap is it awful.

When you've done some JavaScript stuff and are getting reasonably comfortable you'll want to get into something like C# to pick all the stuff you can't learn in JavaScript.


I mostly understand variables and functions now. Just started with the objects a couple days ago. I mostly get it but I am sure they can do a lot more than what I have learned so far. The tutorials also taught me the basics of for, while, and if/else loops. Arrays too...but those still kind of confuse me. It had me make several lame little text adventure games as well as a slightly less lame searchable address book type thing using switch statements.
"Stop whining. Before you really get me irritated."
   --Boba Fett


Sounds like you are ready to start on the robot TD project haha


Haha I seriously doubt that. I did take a look at the code earlier today though. At the very least I can say I understand more than none of it!
"Stop whining. Before you really get me irritated."
   --Boba Fett


Been so busy with stuff around here lately that I haven't had a chance to learn any more programming stuff. Hopefully I still remember what I learned though. The forums have been quiet so I figured I would make a useless post.
"Stop whining. Before you really get me irritated."
   --Boba Fett


Keep at it. Need to keep making things to keep your skills sharp.