Official Article Suggestion Topic

Started by zourtney, Mar 31, 2009, 02:30 PM

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We need to get the AOL CD art back up here. That is perhaps the very first thing we ever put on Randomland. And it is missing.  :(


Its around here someplace. I still had that helmet until recently. It was getting cracked and falling apart a little, but it was still kinda cool (in a massively dorky way) :)


The page was almost entirely pictures. And I can still provide many, many pictures of the incident(s). I'll try to remember to throw them up on the new gallery when I get home. (Unless the CCK image thing is killing your computer, then I won't)


Plah, just here for a reminder to myself:
It's actually stopImmediatePropagation()

Explain later. We need more Flex examples on our webbernets.
protected function clicked(event:MouseEvent):void
if ( _paletteWindow == null )
_window = MyDialogWindow(PopUpManager.createPopUp(DisplayObject(_efApp),MyDialogWindow));
_window.addEventListener( CloseEvent.CLOSE, onClose, false, 0, true );
PopUpManager.centerPopUp( _window );

protected function onClose( event:CloseEvent ):void
trace( "you closed me!" );
PopUpManager.removePopUp( _window);
_window = null;

/* in the window MyDialogWindow source */
public function close( ):void
// dispatch close event. Will get routed through onCloseClicked()
dispatchEvent( new CloseEvent(CloseEvent.CLOSE) );

protected function onCloseClicked( event:CloseEvent ):void
// close normally


Idea: "Thank Goodness for Brows!"

Include stories of Cody of rockslides. Include stories of dogs and angle grinders  :)


Someone other than myself needs to make some Randomland content. I quickly tire of seeing my own words up on the main site.



We should make a page detailing the pain that plants feel when they are cut and eaten. (As a parody of the over reactive and rather unnatural  vegans. I.e. : )


We need to bust out some new content. Randomland is stagnating again. There are lots of things we could work on visually, as well.


Sad but true. Things just seem tp come in spurts. Followed by a bit of a lull.

We need to do things that inspire us to create content!


I'm probably going to build my workbench this weekend. I'll take some pictures of the process and maybe at some point get around to posting them to randomland.


Cool. Whats it going to look like?


It's going to be a 6'x2'x3' bench with a shelf at about 6" off the ground. The top will be 3/4" plywood. Everything else will be made with 2"x4"s.


I think I'll make a Randomland page for my ugly safe project, when I finish. I bet it's not so spraypaint stinky by now!


The PowerHandle needs Randomlanded. Also, we should post templates for those cool Randomland stickers Nick gave me (maybe with a slight revision, like words).