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Design and Layout Suggestions

Started by zourtney, May 19, 2008, 07:48 PM

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Can I get the Illustrator file for that? (Or whatever you made it in)


No Problem.

TreeSeal 2
TreeSeal 2.3

See all the logo ideas in one place! Please add any of your own (and post them here.)

And here is yet another tree seal concept drawing...


Cool, cool. That is looking very nice. And in response to the link's question, no I don't think it needs wiki'ed. This seems more conducive to the forum's capabilities.

I think I do like the rear trees with the lighter tops instead of the front one. It's a toss-up. The gradient background does us good, for a more finished logo. I've been wanting to mess with it just to see what a monochrome, bare-bones version would look like. But I haven't gotten around to it. Anyway, I certainly say that the latest is the bestest.

I'm not real keen on the "" text at the base, but maybe that's just me.


Ok, I will keep the tree gallery on the main site.

There is a look I would like to achieve with the background of the fadded, vintage matte look. I an just not sure how to do it just yet. You can see am attempt with the "firy" trees  below.


Woah, these look totally different on a full sized screen, as opposed to a phone in a bright room. Have you been posting the source files?

I liked the fiery red-and-orange one from the 'mobe, but on my desktop it looks kind of "Last Survivors of the Apocalypse." Or perhaps just "Forest of Fiery Fir." Oh man, I need to stop looking at it. I'm feeling sad for the trees as the walls of flames encroach from the left! encroach from the right! Ah!! SAVE YOURSELVES! You're more than wood to me!



I can post the source files for any you are interested in. Its an extra step to do when putting the images up so I haven't been.  I have files for all of them though. Plus a few others.

Any ideas or suggestions?

And now this.... I am very flexable on the font. I liked this one because it stood out without looking cartoony. But I think it might be a little to jungle cat.
I would also remove the text on the seal from a banner like this.

(Illustrator File)


Just a note, before I forget:
For the, 7 years or so, I've been casing it "Randomland" as opposed to "RandomLand." I think the capital L came about in the very first version of the site, but then faded out from my usage. Do you prefer goin' cap-L? If so, why? Please describe your thoughts in a 3 page, double-spaced essay---

Ok, no. Please don't. I am curious though, and I'm alllll about standardization (across things we can control). Of course, throwing it all lowercase for the logo is oh-so-standard these days. I kind of like it, and it might be good for logo purposes.

Oh, and I feel I should say, "yeah, baby, thin fonts are in!"


I thought it looked more dramatic with the 'cap-L. And it looked strange in most fonts all lower case. Might just be me though. I should play around with it a bit and see how things look.


I can understand that. I should probably be less picky about things which don't matter, too.


Graphic design is all about the little things which don't matter and yet define an image. So pick away. I find the more I work with something the less critical I become. So I need other peoples criticism to keep me in line. Otherwise I have to leave an idea for a day or two and then come back to it.

What do you think of replacing the trees in the forum banner with the gradient-tree? Or a derivation of that tree. For variety ya'know. 


Which banner? And "yes."

Oh, another point of consideration:
When I was playing around yesterday I coloring the "random" and "land" with greens from the trees. I liked it. I was going to upload a picture, but even Opera gives me an upload error now. Poot.

Oh, and just a random comment: either I missed this logo, or you never posted it. There something so wrong, yet oh-so-right. I'm taken back to the days of old. And I am convinced that if I viewed those trees from any other angle, I would be seeing the same side of the tree :)


I know exactly what you mean :)

And by forum banner, I mean the only one we have. The one right up top.

And what is with everyone having problems uploading? If it persists we will just have to turn off the multi-uploader.

And the random and land from the one that I made are colored from the same colors in the trees and a brown from the background. I do want to see yours though.


Oh, oops. I did not read carefully enough. I tried two greens, and it was pretty acceptable. Maybe better than a brown? Hard to say. And oh yeah, we should slap up some favicons.


I made a (super) rough example of what I was thinking for the forum logo. So far it looks nothing like I had pictured in my head.


I have been trying to redo the forum banner with the new-looking trees, but they just don't fit with the rest of the look. I think the whole thing will have to be redone from scratch.