Finding the Absolute Position of an HTML Element (JavaScript)

Started by zourtney, Aug 22, 2009, 05:48 PM

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Apparently finding the absolute position of an element of a webpage isn't as easy as you'd think. After a little digging, I came across some examples which accomplish this task by simply walking up the DOM tree. Not handy, but it is effective.

function findPosX( obj )
var curLeft = 0;

if ( obj.offsetParent != null )
while ( obj.offsetParent != null )
curLeft += obj.offsetLeft;
obj = obj.offsetParent;
curLeft += obj.x;

return curLeft;

function findPosY( obj )
var curTop = 0;

if ( obj.offsetParent != null )
while ( obj.offsetParent != null )
curTop += obj.offsetTop;
obj = obj.offsetParent;
curTop += obj.y;

return curTop;