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Randomland bugs and errors.

Started by Nick, Sep 17, 2009, 11:01 AM

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I figured this might be a good topic to have around. A nice record of things that need fixed from a technical point rather then a design point.

For the first: The server clock seems to be an hour off. I noticed this when it reported my posting times to me. Easy fix.


Site URL should be masked as "" or the domain should be forwarded to your server's IP.


It is masked but drupal does weird things that forward it to the gotdns one. I am working on just setting my server as registered IP and not forwarding at all. It might cost money if I want a decent host to do it though.


Yeah, I know you were working on this one. It'd be worth a couple of bucks to have it forwarded, so long as your IP is semi-static and you don't get yelled at for running a nearly zero-traffic server.  :)


Got that one fixed! But I think it created another.

I'm having a lot of problems staying logged in ever since you set the server to use the domain name. I can log in just fine, but will get kicked within an hour or so. My guess is that the cookie is still registering to Then again, I could be way off.

This has happened on all systems I have tried (work, home, lappy, and phone)

Edit: it's quite apparent that the login is being only session persistent.


It might be a problem with the smf forum to drupal plugin. I will look at it.


hmmm, now I can't log in at the main site at all. Stink.


why is "style="border: none;">Follow us <a href=@randomnets" />" in the footer?  I thinks we have an open tag someplace.


Fixed it.
It probably had something to do with you changing the "full HTML" input setup. I just told it the code was php and it's fine. Can we reenable this "disable rich text" option for full HTML? That component doesn't work properly on my phone. (I've been doing a lot of phoneywebs lately)


I mentioned somewhere that the wysiwyg text editor in Drupal does not work properly on my phonewebs (iPhone Safari browser). Apparently I'm not the only one noticing, as I found this thread with a quick google search. Maybe I'll try getting to that some time tomorrow.


The site seems really slooooooooowwwwwwwww now.


Slower than before? It has been pretty slow ever since it moved to Nick's server. I'm not sure it's any slower since he moved it to the is slow though.


It's speedier now. Still slow but nothing like it was yesterday/last night.


Part of the slowness is the connection being shared. More of the slowness in the server downloading updates. I would love to have more bandwidth but its not available where I am. Before we had to deal with overloaded and slow SQL servers from godaddy and that cow place. Now we have fast software but low bandwidth. So plah I don't know what else to do because I don't want to pay $150 a year on hosting. The godaddy was $60ish and not that great for the price. There are places that offer virtual private hosting and various server farms for an ok price but who knows how reliable/fast their equipment and network is. I just need something over 512k offered out here and then all will be fine.


It's usable now. I wouldn't worry about it unless we start getting a bunch of traffic.