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Randomland bugs and errors.

Started by Nick, Sep 17, 2009, 11:01 AM

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Nope we don't. We can easy enough. I just got done installing 'zilla-3 here, recently. Also perhaps a 'git' hub install too... for the fortresses.


For the fortress? Whatever does that mean?!

Git does seem to be the new(er) shizzle. I'm not entirely sure why, but if we should migrate out SVN that way, I'm fine with that.

If I keep programming stuff, a 'zilla could help...though I haven't been in the practice of using one for over a year. Let's carve out thezilla and bugs on guess we don't have to have thezilla, since that's probably not actually funny. :P


I thought it a good way to do the Dwarf Fortress succession games. Nice to have revisioning and all that (in case of too much !!FUN!!) And its just fun to say 'For the Fortress!' As in "Why do you need that cannon?" "For the glory of the Fortress! May it hold high the Upper Arm!"

I mostly just wanted to try out the git and see what was the up. It has more features then SVN, but also seems more archaic (like learning regular expressions. The only make any sense after you know everything about them, before, and up to that they are just gibberish.)


My gas subdomain is dead again. I get the default Apache page...


Sorry. Everything was still a gzip file. :) All better?

I was trying to make a tar-ball Saturday afternoon and apparently turned half the files on web-server into .gz.


Yes, all is well. renamed files instead of zipping them?  ???


I'm not sure. I opened one and it was no longer a text file. So I guess it zipped them in place and removed the original. Perhaps I used the wrong switch or something. I just wanted a zip of the whole www folder...

In the end I tared it all up and zipped that.


Reiterating the Bugzilla request. In the proper thread (I think) this time. We could keep it at or something similar.

Edit: if anyone knows of a better, more full-featured, web-based programming project management tool we can slap on the server (free of charge), I'm up for that. I'm just looking for a way to track our pet projects and related issues.

Which brings me to my second bug. My gas subnet is not getting updated through DDClient (or whatever IP-updating service you're using). How do I fix this?


I like bugzilla well enough. I have tried a few others, but they are all rather lacking. There is also mantis. Not sure on its quality but I have seen a few sites with it in use.


The forum and forums subnets are not redirecting to the forum anymore. This has probably been broken for a long time, but should be restored.


Fixed. It will take an hour or so to start taking effect.



Actually, they still don't go to the right place...just a Drupal error page. Maybe we need to make some exceptions or something...


So, we have been getting a lot of spam on the Drupal side lately. I just deleted a couple dozen unapproved comments. And somehow, some spam-user comments even got published. It comes in waves, but it's been worse lately.

Any suggestions? I'd still like to move away from the increasingly antiquated D6.


I added a administrative approval requirement to user registration. I hope that stoops them.

Also, I agree that we should move on to better lands. That and fix the capcha module.