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Randomland bugs and errors.

Started by Nick, Sep 17, 2009, 11:01 AM

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I'm not sure what you mean there. But the failure notices should be fixed. I had forgotten to add mail.randomland to the ddclient config.


I didn't mean much. And I fixed my stupid favicon problem. It was just a very persistent browser caching issue. Not that anyone cares.


The image upload page isn't showing the scaled version when you click "next step" and go to tag the images. It makes it harder to tag, especially if I just pick select ones from a folder.


Stylesheet it not parsing properly in Internet Explorer. I know, I don't use it either, but someone might. Possibly.


Stylesheet problem is fixed. CSS aggregation is not turned on in drupal.


Server time is all messed up again.


Last time I tried to set its local to gmt -8h it got way wacky. Each user also has their own time local setting. I don't know if that has anything to do with it.


Where there is a Linux, there is a compatibility issue.

Today, I bring you a compatibility issue with the image upload page. Perhaps I have the wrong fake-flash installed, but I can not get Firefox in Linux to let me use the multi-upload script thing. It just goes blank. Have you tried this via the Lin-dows?


I never did get around that Flashissue. I even reinstalled the Flash/Firefox plugin. Hmm...

Anyway, I was going to create a new page to the Drupal article about the picture project. I had originally set it up as a "book" so that I could easily link the many, many sub pages it is going to have. However, books are broken. What method of page navigation are we going to use? Because books are broken...  :-\


Another problem: my stupid blog posts seem to be creeping into the tech section because I was throwing in some free "tech tags." Shouldn't that view only be pulling stuff with "section = tech"?


We could change it easy enough to do that...

I guess I wasn't thinking then I did that. It was only pulling things that had the tech free-tags associated with it. It should be fixed now to pull anything tagged 'tech' from the sections taxonomy.


Cool. I'll try to be more careful where I throw tags....I still don't really know what I'm doing, but it's coming...slowly.

A related question: if I make a "programming" tag under tech's free tags, is that the same tag as if I had written it into the free tag section? Or do we get multiple tags with the same name stored independently or each other?


They are separate vocabularies. So they are separately stored.  I didn't know what I was doing when I set up the taxonomy (probably still don't) so if we want to rework that whole thing and combine some stuff them cooolio.