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Randomland bugs and errors.

Started by Nick, Sep 17, 2009, 11:01 AM

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Darn. I might have to reinstall the module, although it actually seems to be working...just throwing lots and lots of warnings. At least we're #1 for something, eh?


I commented out a section of regular expressions (as per a suggestion I found on the internet) and it *fixed* it. It removed the highlighting of some php tags but the rest of it should be ok. Hope it gets fixed in their next release. 


Was it a problem with an upgraded module or was it something else? If the input filters got messed up, that could have caused the problem. Either way, it's not a big deal, so long as we don't have 30 lines of warnings preceding our articles.


I even set php not to display error or warning. It seems to be ignoring that setting. I think the only thing that will no longer be highlighted are <? and <?php tags (and the closing ones.)


#79 link is still broken for me...puts me to a blank page :(

This link might help, when one of us has the chance to get to it...


All better. PHP was running out of memory again (gallry2 did it.)


Woah. Thank you, Mr. Administrator!


No problem! I like making things work.


I'm not really sure where to post this, but we got a little spammage this morning. A post full of about 300 links with the word "bra" in them. Every single one had the word "bra" in it and one said "puffy nipples." Almost mildly humorous, but mostly just annoying. It got posted under "General Discussion" and I deleted it.

I haven't seen too much spam on here, really. About one every month, maybe. So, the question is: are they CAPTCHAs doing their job? It seems they are, for the most part, but occasionally some joker slips through.


I'm not sure its its our obscurity that keeping them at bay or the captas. The captcha thing keeps a log of how many 'people' it has rejected.


Hey yo, can we get randomland mail back up? Or is it kaput?


Oh snap! I forgot about that, sorry.

I'll do that today. Shouldn't take long as I have the old config files someplace.


Cool. I have moved most of my stuff away from the randomland accounts because it's been down. But every once in a while, it's nice to have around. Y'know, sending out official Randomland emails to the throngs of fans n' stuff.


Mail seems to be turned back on. Let me know if notice anything strange or wrong with it. No spam assassin at the moment.. but gmail does a good job of that. I think it should be impossible for it to relay mail for anything but randomland. So I hope we stay off spam lists.


I noticed that, thank you. I got a wee bit o' spam, but hopefully I don't get too much and the spam filters get smarter.

You are just forwarding email, right? I don't have a mailbox on your server? I don't want to fill up your hard drive with spam...