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[I suck at] Making Music

Started by zourtney, Sep 17, 2009, 02:51 PM

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Synth strings or (analog) guitar strings? I have the ability to do both now!


Violins, cellos, guitars I like en all!


I've been playing around but have been pretty unsuccessful at coming up with anything even remotely listenable....poots.  :(


I know the feeling. Its still fun though. Even if no one will ever hear or want to hear it :)


I managed to slap some electric guitar over some annoying drum/bass beats last night. It's a very unfinished work and is hard to align the guitar's audio perfectly with the beat. But it can be done.

All I'm really missing is creativity...


I should make some more crappy music and let no one listen to it. But alas, I have not done so.


I have the same problem with building my army of mechanical raptors and taking over the world. I just never seem to get to it.
If you do get some made (music or mechanical raptors) post it on up!


Mechanical, rapping raptors?....hmmm  :P


Duuuuude.... With those the world would be OURS!!


We should get our instruments together and make noise. Lots of noise! I need to find out how loud my new amp can get :)


Noise is all I can make. Unless the temp is one note every ten seconds :)


That's fun too. Add distortion and it'll sound awesomer!



I totally played the chipmunk's christmas song on the keyboard last Christmas. That makes me a pro musician right?

You guys are welcome to hold a jam session at my place. We can test out the town noise ordinances and my neighbors tolerance at the same time!


I've got a hankerin' to hit on some drums lately. Yeah! Let's bring the CITY OF STAYTON TO YOUR DOORSTEP!! Bwahahah!