Tentin' on the Ten-Ten

Started by zourtney, Oct 14, 2009, 01:37 PM

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     Camping Album
Well, I've finished uploading the select few (144) pictures out of all (1600+) pictures I took while camping. To go to the gallery album, click on the thumbnail (left).

But surely we need a few samples peppered on the forums, so here's a select few of the select few. El creamo del cropo! Well...not really, but yeah. Here are some highlights with a little bit of my inescapable commentary.

On the night of October 9th, we packed up the Blazer and the Bumper Buddy at Nick's house. Naturally, most of the packing work was done in the day's failing light. Since Cody was coming, we had to pack a little lighter than normal, but the Bumper Buddy helped us out by carrying wood and the very extreme cooler.

We didn't even make it to our camping spot before I was wanting to snap some pictures. The moon was peeking through the clouds and it was cool looking. The picture doesn't do it justice, but I tried anyway. I have a few more than haven't made it on to the gallery. They would need rotated or cropped a little to be tolerable to look at. Maybe some day.

(Left)The bumper buddy in action! Here she sits, at our campsite. After visiting the big lake, and finding it more crowded than we expected, we turned around and camped by the smaller lake, less than a mile away.

(Right) After traveling those bumpy roads, you get used to clanking, thuds, and thumps. But there was this really obnoxious persistent, clanking sound. It turned out to be part of the running board. It fell off: bon voyage!

Yes! My autumn trees! Autumn is my favorite time of year, and I was happy to find some of the deciduous trees starting to turn colors. It is October, after all.

One day, we took a drive up a little higher into the mountains to find another lake we knew of. These pictures were taken there.

It has been said that a trip into the woods is not a real trip unless you get stuck at least once. (Yeah, it was probably just me saying that...) This trip did not disappoint! While we were never in danger of having to call for help, we did a stuck on this giant dirt mound. On one side is a giant hill of dirt; on the other is a huge hole. The Forest Service puts these here so you don't drive down the road any farther. Weeeelll, we had to try to drive up the embankment at least a little, right?

The squirrels got into our chocolate. I know how it sounds, but it was really quite tragic.

(Left) We roasted bagels!

(Right) We liberated some trees.

We found some brightly colored trees next to the road. Of course we had to take their picture.

Then we took a trip down a side road and snapped a few more.

Finally, we stopped at what we like to call the "Pic Hole" -- a little stream that can be found by driving down a sideroad and hiking down a few hundred feet. There are always nice pictures to be had there.

There are hundred more pictures I haven't uploaded and dozens more on the gallery. Check them out!


I am working on a longer, more in depth post about the ten-ten camping trip's adventures, tragedies, and smells. I am hoping to rip and encode those Blazer videos by the end of the weekend, then I'll put them on YouTube.

I'll probably wait until then to publish it, but you can read what I have here. Just like the old days.


Nice, nice and very nice. :)


I no that nobody actually cares, but the writeup is done. It is still unpublished but can be found here. Let me know what you think.

It is currently just a "blog post." Should this be turned into a full-fledged article on Rec instead?

edit: oh, also, I realize that it is a'boringly long. Should I split it into pages?

I know. No one cares.