I just watched...

Started by zourtney, Nov 12, 2009, 08:27 PM

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I just watched Outlander (2008?). The case artwork made me think it would be aweful, but it wasn't half-bad.

Hmm, watching the deleted scenes explains the plot better. What's up with that?


Wow. Vikings, aliens, spacecraft and did I mention vikings! How could that not be an awesome movie!?

It seems strange that something comprised of so much raw awesome and manliness somehow escaped my notice. I might get than based solely on the ridiculousness factor, that and your recommendation of course.

And on deleted scenes: When will they just give you the option of having them played in place with the rest of the movie? I would use that feature, especially if its something I already saw in theaters.


I hadn't heard of it either. Some of the special effects were cheesy (I figured it was older than it is) and the story leaves fundamental questions largely unanswered (why did he end up here??). And they seemed out to make the preists looks like utter fools (a bit of a pet peeve). Still, horses, a spaceship, a dragon, and swords combined with an ounce of character development made it better than a lots of those blockbuster hits that have come out in recent years (the 3rd X-men movie comes to mind as notably bad). But then again, I don't know much. Maybe I just like swords and sci-fi.


I just watched a Stephen King miniseries called Rose Red. As with all things Stephen King, it was very strange.


Katie was rather into that when it was first out. Thats a messed up show... and that aardvark.

BTW. Thanks for the Outlander loaning. It was rather better then I expected. After I watched it I was listening to my radio people and they were doing a little mini review of just that movie. They enjoyed it as for its sheer crazy masculinity and noted that the story is more or less a retelling of the legend of Bayowolf.


I just watched "Ink." A spur of the moment netflix instaview. Its probably the third best movie I have seen this year. I highly recommend it. The forces of nightmares and dreams battle over the fate of a young girls soul. The Atmosphere and mood of this movie combined with well executed visuals make for a captivating experience.

Netflix Page


Cool, I threw that one in my queue. I don't recognize any of the actors' names. I like that; it sells the part better if I don't recognize the person.


Its a low budget indie, but it looks just as nice as any high budget from 8 years ago. They are all no names and there is only one character whose acting is a little off at moments. But that could be attributed to the character being played if it was written that way I guess.


I finally watched Transformers 2 a few days ago. I didn't go out of my way to see it; it was on at a family gathering. It wasn't a bad movie but it was way over the top in every conceivable way. From a storytelling point of view, the movie was completely unnecessary. I am sure the marketing department would disagree.


Its a movie made to sell toys. Thats sadly all Transformers ever were. Just an half hour toy add. But a cool one. There are so many things wrong with that movie that its flaws just ceases to matter. Its just a big, dumb, semi-raciest splody fest of eye-candy. And its good at it.


I like a movie which tells a story worth telling. That movie seemed like they had $100m dropped on their lap and were told to come up with a story. It's backwards. If there should be sequels, the storywriter should know so before the camera crews are even charging their batteries. (I think this is one reason that the Lord of the Rings movies didn't descend into putridity and the Matrix movies did).

I know it's not as financially lucrative, but come on guys -- you're the storytellers of this generation; tell a story worth telling. There are thousands of under-funded movie makers out there who would jump at a chance to get the same screentime.

(Did I slip in to some Indie scene rant?)


I just watched the new Star Trek movie. I didn't really know what to expect, but I'd say that it was better than I expected. It was excessively flashy, but it was rather humorous and kind of classy in a way which I can't explain.


I liked the new Star Trek movie as well. I like the way they handled the changed timeline. I'd be interested in seeing more movies which take place in this altered timeline.


I keep hearing people trying to make rumors about a new Khan movie taking place in the new time line.  I don't think there is any real plans for anything yet (other then to for sure make more movies, because that last one made lots of money)

With Vulcan destroyed things will go rather differently....


I don't know the original storyline at all. All I really know is all of the cliche things and oft-quoted lines. Oh, and I saw a few episodes of one of those 90's Star Trek TV series. Given that, it seemed like a pretty good movie.