I just watched...

Started by zourtney, Nov 12, 2009, 08:27 PM

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I just finished watching the first, and very sadly only, season of Terra Nova. Some people say it got weird or just wasn't good, but I thoroughly enjoyed the whole season. It seems to me like all the good and interesting shows get cancelled or people lose interest before the real story has a chance to emerge, so to speak. Oh well I guess...maybe it is just my fascination with dinosaurs that make me like it!
"Stop whining. Before you really get me irritated."
   --Boba Fett


Dinosaurs are cool. Without a doubt. Even Star thinks so (she sees them all as critters needing a good home though.) You know what else is cool? Cars; And people being ridiculous in them. Star and I have recently been watching TopGear. I was surprised by how good it actually is. Blending history, motor sports and absurd projects together. Best of all, most, if not all of the show is on Netflix.


Your guys last two posts reminded me of this ridiculousness. Did anybody ever see that when they were little? I have the arcade game of the show on my arcade machine at home.


No I have not even heard of that. For good reason it would seem. Thirteen episodes and then cancelled...I haven't seen it so I can't say for certain, but it sure looks scary.
"Stop whining. Before you really get me irritated."
   --Boba Fett


That does sound amazingly bad. Like someone picked two of their favorite things and tried to build a plot around it. Erm, make that 3. "Ecological freedom fighters." Yikes, yikes...

Top Gear is hilarious and awesome. I need to watch more.


I just watched....The Hobbit! Finally. It took me until it was the last day the movie was in the theater to see it. But hey, it was a really good and so was the fact there were only 12 or 14 other people in the theater.
"Stop whining. Before you really get me irritated."
   --Boba Fett


3D or regular? I wanted to see it in 48fps 3D out of curiosity.

I agree, great movie. Left me wanting to see the next episode.

I think I liked the LOTR orks better. And the goblins in this movie were kinda... Off.


I didn't feel like paying twice as much for the 3D or whatever. $7 per ticket seemed nice and cheap to me.

Orcs or Uruk Hai? They are apparently rather different looking...and I honestly don't remember the goblins if there were any in The Lord of the Rings.
"Stop whining. Before you really get me irritated."
   --Boba Fett


I got to see it too :) Eve and I saw it in the local(ish) IMAX. No 48fps though.I definitely enjoyed it, but it lacked a little of the magic of the LOTR movies. Maybe because the story is inherently less epic and self contained? Don't know. I still like it, though.


Didn't they fight a bunch of goblins in Moria before running up against the balrog?

Also, the more I read about such things, it seems that orks and goblins (in Tolkiens world) were both of the same species. One was just a bigger variety bred by Sauron and Saruman. 



The Tolkien world is just so confusing!

All this talk really makes me want to watch The Lord of the Rings....but I don't have them. Apparently the extended edition trilogy on DVD is $80. Ugh... I could watch the second and third movies but they are not the extended edition. Does it matter? Probably not, but it would be nice to start from the beginning of the series.

I suppose there is always Amazon digital downloads.
"Stop whining. Before you really get me irritated."
   --Boba Fett


Are they out of print or something? I will take a look tomorrow and see what our copies are.


I have them all, hehe :) Coming to watch them would be over $80 though :(


I've had lots of free time lately (being home alone for a few weeks). Free time to mess with wires, wood, code and so forth. But most importantly for this thread -- time to watch Top Gear. Lots and lots of Top Gear.

Netflix has 2003 - present available to stream, so I've kind of been skipping around. And it's all hilarious and inspires new levels of wheeled absurdity (especially off-roady stuff)!