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Mans! The Forums Is the Dead!

Started by zourtney, Jul 22, 2008, 10:37 PM

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It was through the DC part. It also wasn't just one hole straight through. It was one cut through all the wires and several cuts all around the thing about half-through it. And for some reason this thing has a bunch of smaller insulated wires inside of it. The computer also detects when it can't identify the type of power supply and gives you and error message. Why? I dunno.


Well that double sucks. Silly rabbit, um.. electricity is for kids? You will have to start covering all your electrical cords with Kevlar or something :)


Maybe you can concoct some sort of pepper-based liquid to coat the wires in! Then the rabbit will stay away because it doesn't like the spice!

...And every time you unwrap your powercord and unintentionally touch your eye, it'll water for 20 minutes. Ok, bad idea.


Oh! the disappointment. Nothing new on Randomland this morning :(


You can make it new! Just reach deep down inside to find your own, special flavor. And spill it forth onto the pages for all to enjoy!

This has been self-helps feel good corner.

In other news: I made an LED blink.


sweet! Show us how :) That totally deserves a post in one of those oft-ignored sections of this forum.


Dude, this forum is so dead this morning. Why, oh why?


Busy, so busy. Mud will not fling itself you know.



Cool. Did they change the rules at your appt? Where are you getting it? Pictures?


Weeelllll, yeah. All you really need is a doctor's approval. So, since Eve's been going to the doctor about 3-4 times a month recently, she 'n Doc are buds. He signed it without hesitation (so the story goes).

So, we are calling her, Miko. I think Eve might be spelling it Meeko. Something in my brief foreign language education prefers the former spelling. I've posted pictures to the imagestream and tagged them 'miko.'

Here's a few teaser shots

Here is the gallery link. It doesn't parse properly at the brackets, so just copy and paste it...I'll add that to the Gallery's list of things to fix.[]=810


Pretty kitty. Is she box trained?


Yes, she is box trained. Which is definitely nice! We let her roam around the house last night, but we haven't found any "suprises" yet. And no claw / bite marks on anything yet, either. So far, good kitty.


Good. I am sure you will find that she will be a pleasant and rewarding part of your life. For extra fun get a laser pointer :)


:) yes indeed. We will have to pick up one of those some time.