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Mans! The Forums Is the Dead!

Started by zourtney, Jul 22, 2008, 10:37 PM

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Just some electrons and time. Plus he godaddy DNS fees. But those are less then a dollar a month... so who cares. And the internet fees, but that's anything not extra.

I was going to buy 'wikiland,com" yesterday... but its sold. Even though it has no site associated with it. Dang domain squatters!


Yeah, that is definitely a hateable thing. But we got our "" going on. We're well entrenched in our almost completely unknown branding. But even grown ups like to pretend, right? We just need to start adding more stuff to the site!


As always. I think we could provide a legitimate service to the web at large by reviewing hiking, camping, biking and picture taking locations. Little guides to guide a little. Comment on honda sighting, trail conditions and if there is a good spot to stage a Sasquatch sighting. That sort of thing. With plenty of pictures. Because without them, it never happened.. or something like that.


That would be cool. Let's start now!


Ok. We need to go some place on a nice day and get some pictures and perhaps some notes. We could start with the Stayton are park you frequent.


Works for me. We've got cameras, bikes, and a wee bit of motivation. And that's a good start.


I find that lack of motivation is my biggest hindrance. Many times I would like to do something, know how and have the capability... but just can't seem to get motivated. Having others on the task/project seems to help though. Kinda like a feedback loop, if you know what I mean.


We just missed randomlands "one year on a new server" anniversary.


I didn't even know, but let's celebrate anyway! I think an appropriate act of celebration would be to go camping...!



The forum's not really dead, but it needs another post. So here we go. Camp, camp.


I second the notion of 'camp, camp.'


I feel like I could use a good week in the woods. Unfortunately, that's not practical right now. But a weekend trip can certainly suffice!


I hear ya. Someplace way out there. With nothing for miles, no people, cars, children or politics. Just blues, greens and browns accompanied by the sweet sound of moving water.  Tricking its dance over the rocks and down the mountain. Carving valleys one sand-grain  at a time.  All accompanied by the sweet smell of chili slowly cooking over a meager fire. Or the crackle of hamburgers cooking in their own grease. 


Poetic and inspiring! Let's go! Want to do any Blazer fixup Sunday?