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Mans! The Forums Is the Dead!

Started by zourtney, Jul 22, 2008, 10:37 PM

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Then taunt them until they get angry and bite you
And go get yourself a tetanus shot.

Quote from: zourtneyPosted on: Yesterday at 10:10:00 AM
Posted by: zourtney

Were you waiting, hovering over the post button for just the right moment? Or is it a sign of imminent campification? I still like the 10-10-10 and perhaps a weekend before or after, if that is still looking to work for people.

That sucks about the O-fest. Though it will probably be raining anyway. I mostly like to enjoy the rain from inside some form of shelter. But for O-fest I will endure it for a bit. 

Good luck with that sleep thing! Have fun in California.


Eve is staying home today. We might be able to get enough stuff ready that we can still go-O-festin'. When did you plan on going?

About the 10:10:00 thing -- that's awesome, random chance (or happenstance?). I say Tentin-10-10-10 is good. I think Brad will have to decide what day will work for the other trip...


Cool. I am not sure when I was going to go, but I could meet you down there any time and then find my peoples later, or join them as a big, walkway-clogging group. Or we could carpool if you wanted. Easier to get everyone parked. But if it is raining there might be plenty of parking.

Tenting  /|\


Got a new phone to be able to check email while going back and forth between offices.


It is convenient. Perhaps more importantly, you can go on Randomland while in Disneyland. It's a very important thing., you know.


That sentence is rather surreal until you realize that its in response to the one above. Or maybe I'm just tired.


Man, the forum is dead. We should "do stuff."



Good question. We should stuff?


Ok. That's settled. Then when should we do this 'FUn StuFF?"


Sooner, rather than later. Though I would prefer sooner and later.



Yesterday's tomorrow. Or the day before tomorrow. Give or take a week or so.



Well, it would be, but it's not. This weekend, it would more likely be.