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Mans! The Forums Is the Dead!

Started by zourtney, Jul 22, 2008, 10:37 PM

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I got a giftcard for REI... so it makes it a little easier to decide on getting one. Most are rather pricey. But a medium sized one for not too much would be ok. I would really like to try backpacking this summer, so that helps the motivation too.

All discussion topics seem to be converging on this thread... Partially my fault perhaps.


We have more topics than we do distinct areas of interest :)


Nothing new on Randomland since this morning? What a letdown!



Yeah, true. The forums is the dead. But Brad and I did stuff. And he totally cut off Melissa's hunting ground before she even had a chance! She was not happy.

We need some new Randomland site content. Got any brewing ideas? I have a "laundry soap container and a knife" idea I'll write up some day...


How dare he stop Melissa from her hunting! (Huh..what?) How was the get together? Rather sorry I missed it.

I bought a $10 knife off of Amazon, I might write up a review of it after I manage to get it sharp.

Do share about the laundry soap?


I finally got a nice lil' Ka-Bar. We should go camping so we can "test" it. Seems like a good excuse, anyway. Then we could review that as well...not that the internet needs another Ka-Bar review :P




Man, the forum went dead again. So poot.


Poot indeed.

Whats the happening with all the everyone? Good goings all around?


Yep. Just pootin' away. We should "do" "stuff".


According to the statesmen journal they are cutting all computer science at north...

QuoteNorth Salem High School students will lose the business technology and computer science programs.


Man, that sucks. Big time. In principal, cutting those programs sounds like the responsible thing to do...but you know what? That's the only thing I enjoyed in high school.

And I probably would've keeled over in Data Structures (college) had I not had them beaten into me by the honorable Sir Kirkwood. Ok, I don't believe he was ever knighted, but.....AP Fish, woohoo!!!!1 Good times.

Sad times.

And N-Tech! I mourn for thee (though, was that cut a while ago??) Every young man needs to learn, first hand, the affects of concrete on a Pentium 90 processor (...or whatever's fittingly old these days. P4's?)

I just hope Computer Heaven has kept ahold its little secret :)


That sucks. Cutting computer science is almost as bad as cutting biology! Especially in this day, where half the jobs you might consider will be working with computers. Its a dis-service to the students that they will have no avenue to learn about for loops and semaphores other than online.

Like Zourtney said, the computer programs were about the only thing I liked in high-school. Without those classes I probably would have still pursued it, but I would have been less ready for 'real' school.

Sadly I never had but one pascal class with Kirkwood. I feel slightly robbed at not getting that experience. But only slightly. I wonder what Reams, Kirkwood and Smith will be up to these days. I still have a router in my closet someplace...