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Mans! The Forums Is the Dead!

Started by zourtney, Jul 22, 2008, 10:37 PM

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How odd. Trying to instill at a young age that those words are not ok to type?


That is odd indeed. But it's pretty much moot. If I know one thing about kids, it's that they can combine otherwise-innocent words in surprisingly biting (and hilarious) phrases!


Lol, the only reason I can think of is. Does his toy read out the sentences or "words" to him? Cuz if it reads out the words...yeah eventually you will figure out what you say your son will just mimmick. Lol.

Or...maybe they are afraid if they let the device respond it might start to sound nasty and lead to other problems! Lol. Hahaha.

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I just had a dream where I was eating a bag of sea salt and vinegar potato chips out of pantry. Even though they were stale, and the bag said they expired in 2007, I just kept eating them. I knew we had another fresh bag in the kitchen. Melissa tried to convince me to eat those instead, but no matter how hard I tried I just kept coming backing to the stale bag of chips.

When I woke up I could actually taste stale chips in my mouth. I checked and no, the bag of chips in the pantry is NOT from 2007. I'm sure this means I need therapy or something.


Haha. How odd. I wonder what that could mean? Is there something stale from around 2007 in your life? Or maybe it's just your subconscious telling you to eat more questionable food to boost the immune system :) All I have been dreaming about recently are people getting diabetes and losing hands sky-walker style.



Me too! Unfortunately not enough to keep me from driving in to work, though.




Pootermobile. On fire. True story.



Apparently somebody pulled off that robbery that we used to joke about.


You beat me! I was 4 seconds from posting just that! Except not the mobile version.

But yeah, that is crazy, and funny, in a sad way. I always figured the police presence in that area was lacking. Sounds like it was extremely easy for him too, seeing as there was only one person working and no customers at the time(there was 4" of snow outside, so that seems reasonable) I also never saw how a town that small could support a bank.

Crazy, sad and scary. I would rather little areas like that be free from crime of all types (well, all areas actually)


What is this? The article no longer exists. I am quite curious what this robbery we always joked about is!
"Stop whining. Before you really get me irritated."
   --Boba Fett


Must be the bank in Mill City. I know, the article was down by the time I tried to look :(