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Flash/C++ Game Project

Started by Brad, Dec 18, 2009, 04:22 PM

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It'll be interesting to see if Microsoft "pulls an Apple" in regards to what web browser(s) will be available on the Window 7 Phone OS. It sounds like they're really clamping down on what "apps" can be written for it.

Sigh...and thus, Google takes the helm of the developer-friendly mobile OS. :-\


Sad really. All these people need to realize is that a decent interface is all they need for a strong hand in the mobile area. All this talk of disabling multitasking and locking down apps is silly. I like having a central place for people to make applications available, but any of the big three can co that easily. Making it so people want to write applications for your platform is the key. Either though matket share (like apple) or by a good API and letting the use install anything they like. Go ahead and lock down parts of the OS for security. But please keep it usable. 


So looking through all these posts and reading stuff I must say that it sounds pretty cool. I, of course, can be of no benefit to the project other than to say 'yes! it's awesome! don't give up!' or something like that. So now you know.
"Stop whining. Before you really get me irritated."
   --Boba Fett


^ Thanks! Hopefully I'll have more to show you guys soon.

I've started writing up the documentation for the network interface. What I've got so far can be found here: unfortunately due to the way subversion works you'll need to download that file to get it to display correctly. Or you could just use checkout the whole repository and get all the source code too!

For you guys who were talking about making an HTML5/Javascript/PHP port, please take a look at that and see if you can understand it and also let me know what other information you think would be good to have on there. I don't think I'll be able to document enough that you could create a port without even looking at the source code for my c++ client, but it should be pretty close-ish.


Cool. I started looking at it but got tired of reading html. Maybe we should add a docs folder to the randomland server. I probably want to make some simple docs for my Drupal module, too (which is also under SVN). I'm definitely interested in seeing the progress. I'll check out the latest code some time today or tomorrow. And try to comment on your docs. I suppose we could set up a Wiki, now that I think of it. It's not my favorite system, but it'd allow for easy publishing of changes.


A wiki is not a terrible idea actually. That'd allow for easy technical and gameplay documentation. And if there are any individuals without coding experience that want to contribute to the game design or something (cody?) they can read/edit the wiki?

If we don't do that then we at least need a documentation directory because svn is really not the all the convient for serving docs.


I like the idea of a wiki, or some other dedication documentation manager.


I remember looking around for Wiki-type Drupal modules once upon a time. I think the consensus is "don't" because "wiki is just behavior". I'd prefer it to fit in with the themeable Randomland, if possible. Plus, with Drupal you already have an enterprise content management system chugging away, so why not use it?

It seems there are dozens of modules out there to help implement this. But, of course nothing complete and self-contained (sigh)...Who's up for another round of Drupal's version of D-L-L-h-e-double-hockey-sticks?




So are you guys gonna implement some sort of wiki system or make a documents directory?

I've progressed pretty far with the multiplayer walking around portion of the game. Multiple clients can join the server and walk around them map. Clients all can see each other and keep up-to-date on the positions of other characters.

I still have some bugs to work out when a character leaves the game however. I also still need to write the portion for transitioning from one map to another. This should take too long though. Once that's done I'll write a simple chat system (I'll make it more complex later). Then when that's finished I'll do the dialogs with NPCs and the shopkeeper stuff. That'll put me up to do with all the server functionality.

I've been practicing my drawing skills so that I can start drawing stuff for the non-text based version of the game too. I'm not that great of an artist but the drawing is fun.


Lets see some drawing!

Anyone have a suggestion for the wiki?

I will look at some drupalized solutions.

Media wiki looks ok. There is a bridge that will connect it to the drupal logins. We can then theme it to look like randomland. Even add some randomland type into to it along with the game documentation.


 ;D ;D ;D  I've completed the walking around network code!  ;D ;D ;D

You can now:

  • Login
  • Create a new player
  • Create a new character (choosing from 6 races and 6 classes)
  • Delete a character
  • Choose a character and join the game
  • Move around the map, running into walls and NPCs (no collision between characters, they could block exits and be jerks)
  • Move from one map to an adjacent one
  • Use an exit to be transported to a non-adjacent map (think ladder, staircase or portal)
  • See other characters on the map and watch as they move around

I'd upload the server to Randomland, but I'm still having some problems getting sqlite to work on linux. I think there is something wrong with my makefile.

Next up: chatting between characters. Followed By: FIGHTING!


Awesome, dude! Sounds like good progress. Need help with anything?


Ok, here is something I need help with and it'll require very little work from anybody.

As you may or may not know, RPG games are heavily stat driven. Characters, monsters both have stats. Weapons, armor and items effect character and monster stats. The stats (and virtual dice rolls) determine the outcomes of character's actions in battle. So it's very important that I figure out exactly what stat variables I need to make the game work. I've already had to modify the database and all of the network, database and XML functions dealing with character stats and I don't want to do it again.

So, what I need you to is look at all of the stats I've listed (along with their explanantions) and using both your extensive programming and video game player knowledge and see if everything makes sense and if I'm missing anything.

These stats (unless otherwise stated) apply to both monsters and player characters. Thank you for your help.
Character Only Stats

NameThe name of the character
SexMale or Female?
LevelA number used to compare relative strengths between characters. Goes up every 15 skill increases.
Map IDID of the map this character is on.
XX position on map
YY position on map

*The following stats apply to both characters and monsters*
Base Attributes

StrengthAffects melee damage and the total weight which can be equipped at once.
AgilityAffects ranged damage and dodge chance.
ConstitutionGrants certain unalienable rights. Actually no, it determines your maximum health.
IntelligenceDetermines maximum MP (magic points, mana points, magicka, who cares?).
WillpowerAffects resistance to magical damage.

Other Attributes

IDUnique identifier for the character or unit.
Max HPMaximum health points.
Max MPMaximum magic points.
HPCurrent health points.
MPCurrent magic points.


Fire ResistanceYour % resistance to fire based damage.
Shock ResistanceYour % resistance to shock based damage.
Frost ResistanceYour % resistance to frost based damage.
Physical ResistanceYour % resistance to physical (stabbing, crushing, slashing, etc...) based damage.

*Each of these skills is tied to one of the base attributes. After improving in a skill for a specific stat 3 times that stat goes up. For example if you gain 3 levels of melee skill your strength will go up by one.

MeleeHow skilled you are at melee attacks. Affects damage with melee weapons. Improves strength.
RangedHow skilled you are at ranged attacks. Improves Agility.
Light ArmorHow skilled you are at using light armor (apparently armor takes skill). Improves Agility.
Heavy ArmorHow skilled you are at using heavy armor. Improves Constitution.
DestructionYour skill with destructive magics. Improves Willpower.
RestorationYour skill with restorative magics. Improves Willpower.
AlterationYour skill with magic that alters the state of something. Improves Intelligence.
ConjurationYour skill with magic that summons things. Improves Intelligence.

EDIT: Finishing now

*Some races are incapable of equipping certain classes of items. A race with giant horns sprouting out of its head is unable to wear helmets for example.

WeaponsIs this unit capable of wielding a weapon? Most animals can't wield weapons (monkeys can!)
HelmetIs this unit capable of wearing a helmet?
CuirassIs this unit capable of wearing a cuirass (chest armor)?
GlovesIs this unit capable of wearing gloves?
BootsIs this unit capable of wearing boots?
GreavesIs this unit capable of wearing greaves (leg armor)?
RingsIs this unit capable of wearing rings?
ShieldIs this unit capable of wielding a shield?

*There are a ton of variables I need to keep track of the in-between status of the various skills and stats.

Level ProgressKeep track of the number of skills increased this level. Once you reach 15 you gain a level and set the counter back to 0.
Melee ProgressKeep track of the progress towards earning the next skill level in melee.
Ranged ProgressKeep track of the progress towards earning the next skill level in ranged.
Destruction ProgressKeep track of the progress towards earning the next skill level in destruction.
Restoration ProgressKeep track of the progress towards earning the next skill level in restoration.
Alteration ProgressKeep track of the progress towards earning the next skill level in alteration.
Conjuration ProgressKeep track of the progress towards earning the next skill level in conjuration.

That's all folks. Now what do you guys think?


Yes, that's wiki material. Can you have comment threads with that wiki site?