Dude, we should go hiking

Started by zourtney, Feb 22, 2010, 07:36 AM

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You also had llama sighting in that game.... after you built some structure selecting it would give you your vital llama statistics. Or something like that, its been ages since I played.



And dude! We did go hiking! Should we make a Randomland album? What should we tag today's adventure as? hikehike? I still need to download them, but I'm sure a few shots are worth a randomnet or two.

Oh, and we were almost coming over for hot dogs, but suddenly (and slowly as time slipped) we did not. Sorry. I do see hot dogs are fire pits in the future, though. The sooner the better!

EDIT: or perhaps tagged with bootymine?


I too am sorry I did not make it for the dogs of hotness. I really did want to so hopefully in the near future on a not rainy day we can manage to do that.
"Stop whining. Before you really get me irritated."
   --Boba Fett


Oh, you didn't go either? I guess what little awesomeness we had was dispersed once you and Nick left my place. Sorry and bummers. We should definitely do something again in a week or two...or less!


How about the weekend of the 20-21st? Anybody want to go camping?


I think that is the weekend I will be off in southern Oregon. You could come with us there though. It will be fun! Other wise yes, I would like to go. Perhaps the next weekend or some other time soon.

In the mean time we should go biking or hiking again!


Dude, we need to do stuff. Any stuffs. Is it this weekend that Nick is going on his trip thing?


Is is this weekend. And your still invited.


Eve is now working weekends again. Which has its ups and downs. Ups being that I will be more bored, and therefore might be able to convince myself to do more hiking, biking, etc... Downside is...well, just less Eve time, but that's not really your(pl.) concern.

Anyway. Any word from Cody on whether or not he wanted to go?


I talked to him today while we were looking at his truck and he was as of yet undecided. If you went I am sure that would push him towards going. It should be funish.


Saturday looks like it might be a nice day outside. Anyone want to do anything? Hike? Make stupid videos? Swamp diving?


I would be up for some Saturday hiking-age.



I am cool with dat, yo.

Where should we go?


I liked the place we went to last time. Nice and close and car-accessible...which admittedly has its ups and downs. But good for a day-hike.

If you guys aren't up for that, just name a place.

I got some meat and bread if you guys want to make and bring sandwiches. There should be enough for everyone [invited...I sometimes forget this is technically a public forum]. And I'll make you an industrial* latte if you want. Oh, and I got jalapeƱo chips!

What do you guys think?

* @jacsveus -- shhhh  ;D